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How do sharks find prey?



How do shark find its prey?

Fun Facts:

  1. Majority of sharks have a good eyesight just like the cat, which improves its visibility in the darkness.
  2. Scientist has a very unique way of counting the age of shark, they count their age by counting the number of rings present on the vertebrae of shark.
  3. Sharks are estimated to be present on earth from a very long time approx. about 455 million years ago.

Related Questions:

  1. Who are the predators of shark?
  2. Give details about the shark.
  3. Write detailed answer of few species of shark.

True or False:

  1. Sharks belong to the phylum Chordata.
  2. Sharks are found to be the warm-blooded animals.
  3. Hammer shark is one of the famous species of shark.
  4. Shark can find its prey though one method only.
  5. Shark are found to have very low hearing ability.

Objective Quiz:

  1. Shark belongs to the phylum _______.
    1. Chordata.
    2. Annelida.
    3. Porifera.
    4. All of the above.
  2. Majority of the sharks are found to be _______.
    1. Cold-blooded animals.
    2. Warm blooded animals.
    3. Thermoregulation animals.
    4. None of the above.
  3. Sharks can be classified on the basis of _______.
    1. Cartilaginous skeleton.
    2. Unattached pectoral fins to the head.
    3. Five to seven gills slits on the side of head.
    4. All of the above.
  4. Sharks are very sensitive to _____.
    1. Smell.
    2. Dust.
    3. Wounded prey.
    4. Both 1) and 3).
  5. Shark can find its prey through the ________.
    1. Electroreception.
    2. Thermal heat.
    3. Electric-charge
    4. None of the above.
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