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How does my spine fit together?

The human spine consists of –



There is a total of 33 vertebrae present in the human body. Those vertebrae are divided into five sections. Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral and coccyx.

Cervical (Total 7)

  1. It is the topmost part of the vertebrae present in the neck.
  2. They range from C1 toC7 (C=Cervical).
  3. This vertebra allows us to tilt our head in different directions.

Thoracic (Total 12)

  1. It is the second part of the vertebral column situated just below the cervical spine.
  2. They range from T1 to T12 (T=Thoracic).
  3. Their prime work is to hold ribs for the making of the thoracic cage which protects the lungs and heart.
  4. They are less flexible as compared to the cervical spine.

Lumbar (Total 5)

  1. It is the next part of the Vertebral column.
  2. They range from L1 to L5 (L=Lumbar).
  3. They bear the responsibility of lifting body weight.
  4. They also help in the stress lifting of objects.
  5. Along with weight-bearing, they also support the upper two parts of the spine.

Sacrum (Total 5)

  1. They are triangular in shape.
  2. They range from S1 to S5 (S=Sacrum).
  3. These five bones are fused together and do not move in any direction.
  4. Their main function is to the joint the spine to the hip joint.
  5. Pelvic Girdle is the ring-like bony structure formed by Sacrum and hip joints.

Coccyx (Total 4)

  1. It is the last part of the vertebral column.
  2. The coccyx is also called the tailbone.
  3. It is made up of four fused coccygeal vertebrae.
  4. Its main function is to provide a surface attachment for ligaments and muscles.

Intervertebral Disc

Facet Joints

Spinal Cord and Nerves


Fun Facts:

  1. Our Spinal cord is about 18 inches long and the width of our finger.
  2. The spine has about 120 muscles in it.
  3. The total weight of the spinal cord is about 35 grams.

Additional Questions:

  1. What are the parts of the vertebrae?
  2. How many pairs of the spinal cord are present in the human body?
  3. What are the key points for differentiation of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae?

True or False:

  1. There are 33 pairs of vertebrae present in the human body.
  2. The uppermost part of the vertebral column is the thoracic vertebrae.
  3. The cervical spine is a fused spine.
  4. The thoracic spine allows a limited range of motion.
  5. The spinal cord starts from the brain stem till the first lumbar vertebrae.

Objective Quiz:

  1. There are _________ total vertebrae in human body.
    1. 33
    2. 14
    3. 40
    4. 34
  2. Vertebrae are divided in ________ sections.
    1. 4.
    2. 5.
    3. 3.
    4. 6.
  3. Spinal cord passes through the ________.
    1. Spinal canal.
    2. Brain canal.
    3. Lumbar canal.
    4. All of the above.
  4. Intervertebral disc are present between _________.
    1. Two vertebrae.
    2. Five vertebrae.
    3. One vertebra.
    4. They are coated on the whole vertebral column.
  5. There is _______ number of facets present in each vertebra.
    1. 4.
    2. 2.
    3. 6.
    4. 8.






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