Do you spend a lot of time on your phone and forget to go outside? It might be fun, but staying indoors too long can affect your health. Let’s find out what could happen if you don’t balance phone time with outdoor activities.
- Spending too much time on your phone can be bad for your health.
- Staying inside too long can make you feel sad, tired, or lonely.
- Too much screen time can hurt your eyes and make it hard to focus.
- Playing outside helps you stay healthy, active, and happy.
- It’s important to balance screen time with outdoor fun for a better, healthier life!
What Could Happen If You Stopped Going Outside & Spend Time on Your Phone?
Related MCQ’s
1. What does sunlight help your body produce?
a) Calcium
b) Vitamin D
c) Protein
d) Serotonin
2. What happens if you don’t get enough sunlight?
a) Your skin gets stronger
b) Your bones may become weaker
c) You become taller
d) Your eyesight improves
3. How does sunlight affect your mood?
a) It makes you angry
b) It increases serotonin, making you happier
c) It makes you feel sleepy
d) It has no effect
4. What health problem is linked to sitting indoors too much?
a) Nearsightedness
b) Type 2 diabetes
c) A stronger immune system
d) None of the above
5. How can spending time outside improve your vision?
a) It increases eye power
b) It reduces the risk of nearsightedness
c) It changes your eye color
d) It has no effect on vision