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Reaching the Age of Adolescence

Growing up is a natural part of life. One of the most distinct phases of growing up begins in girls and boys at the age of 10-12, although this age varies from person to person. This phase is known as adolescence. 

The period of life, when the body undergoes a multitude of changes that result in reproductive maturity is known as adolescence.

Adolescence usually begins around the age of 10 and lasts till about 18. As these changes occur during the ‘teen’ years (thirteen, …., seventeen), adolescence is alo referred to as teenage.

The changes that occur in the body during this period mark the onset of puberty.

It is important to remember that the age of onset of puberty is different for everybody and the changes one goes through are not always the same for everybody.


Changes At Puberty:

Puberty is marked by several changes in the body, both internally and externally. Let’s learn about these changes.

Increase in Height

Change in Body Shape

Voice change

Increased Activity of Sweat and Sebaceous Glands

Development of Sex Organs

Mental, Intellectual and Emotional Maturity

What Are Secondary Sexual Characters?

During puberty, breasts begin to develop in girls and growth of facial hair begins in boys. These are features that help distinguish between males and females and are known as secondary sexual characters

Hair also grows on the chest in case of boys and hair growth on the underarms and the pubic region is common for both boys and girls. 

Hormones and Their Role in Puberty and Reproductive Function:

Hormones are chemical substances that are secreted by endocrine glands. Endocrine glands are ductless glands that release their secretions(hormones) directly into the bloodstream. In comparison, sweat glands and sebaceous glands release their secretions through ducts.

Reproductive Phase of Life:

Humans become capable of reproduction once ovaries and testes can produce gametes. The production and maturation of gametes last for much longer in males than in females.

Reproductive Phase in Females:

What decides the sex of a baby?

During fertilization, a male and female gamete fuse together to produce a zygote which grows and develops into an embryo which ultimately develops into a baby. The sex of the baby depends on the male gametes. 

Hormones Other Than Sex Hormones:

Hormones are also secreted by endocrine glands such as thyroid, adrenal gland and pancreas.

Importance of Hormones in Insects:

We already know that metamorphosis occurs in insects. Metamorphosis in insects is controlled by insect hormones.

We know that frogs also show metamorphosis.

Let’s take a look at their life cycle again.

Egg —> Tadpole(larva) —> Frog 

This metamorphosis is controlled by the thyroxine hormone produced by the thyroid gland. As thyroxine production required iodine, iodine must be present in the water inhabited by frogs. 

Maintenance of Reproductive Health:

During puberty, the body is going through changes and growing and therefore it is crucial to provide the body essential nutrients and maintain good personal hygiene and practice regular exercise in order to stay as healthy as possible. 


A balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins in the correct proportions is necessary for growth. It is particularly important to maintain a good diet at this age because the body is growing very rapidly. 


A good sense of hygiene is important at this age because the overactivity of the sweat and oil glands can cause body odour. All parts of the body must be cleaned thoroughly on a daily basis in order to prevent bacterial infections. During menstruation, sanitary napkins should be used and changed every 4-5 hours in order to maintain good hygiene. 

Physical Exercise:

Outdoor sports and activities are a good way to get physical exercise and remain fit and healthy. 

Drug Abuse 

Drug abuse is something that is very common among adolescents. 


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