If you are living in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and searching for the best preschool and childcare in Thunder Bay, Ontario (Canada) here are some preschools only for your child.

Life gives you thousands of opportunities and it’s up to you how you are going to Grab the opportunity and make it worth full. Some people have thinking that God is going to solve their every problem and they don’t need to do anything.

Even God says do your deeds and I will make you successful and your hard work worth full. If one door is closed god will open the other one and we need to recognize the hints of The Almighty and need to be thankful for everything he gives to us. Preschools are the door of God for every parent who wants to provide their child early childhood education and make them cultured and make them understand the value of morals and ethics.

Best Preschool and Childcare in Thunder Bay, Ontario (Canada)

1. Footsteps Family Centre

The Footsteps Family Education Center was started in 1998 and is a verified and licensed childcare situated in Thunder Bay. They have full-time and part-time childcare education programs for children up to 12 years.

The preschool welcomes each child to their facility and loves them as their child and family. They are range some School visit tools also for the parents for the satisfaction about the facility and education of the school. They trained their staff members after even their previous training. To make them understand about this Institute and about the children who are studying here.

The preschool has a specialty in some activities such as gardening of vegetables, flowers, trees for shade, sandboxes, communication skills, multi-language classes, climbing of walls, dry river bed, games, songs, and building up the imagination.

  • Location- 370 County Boulevard, Thunder Bay, ON P7A 7P5
  • Website- www.footstepsfamilycentre.ca
  • Contact- (807) 767-1958

2. Nanabijou Childcare Centre

The Nanabijou Child care center was constructed in 1988 and offers a joyful imaginative and creative experience and memories to a student for a lifetime. They have educated and staff members who have been researched about development and childcare and are in the field of early childhood education for over 10 years and value the individuality of each child and understand a child’s heart and mind very well.

They want children to grow together and learn together so that they can understand love, respect, and equality and not differentiate others on basis of color or financial status. They commit the quality education and standard facility and follow the annual assessment of the ministry of education.

They will leave a child to learn what he/she sees. Every person should behave well not only for themselves but for their child because their child adopts the behavior and knowledge of their parents and learn about how their parents communicate and behave with others.

  • Location- 965 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1
  • Website- https://www.lakeheadu.ca/
  • Contact- (807) 343-8369

3. Schoolhouse Playcare Centre

The Schoolhouse play care center was established in 1985 and is a place where children can grow as individuals and according to their interests and requirement.

The school is verified by the Ministry of Education and educates children to work in partnership with the parents and the fellow batchmates to ensure a positive learning experience. The schoolhouse Centre health first aid and CPR trained teachers and facilities that they can use for any child in their emergency problem. Their sure parents about their child’s health education safety and security and have fingerprint facility rule also which every person have to obey.

They have a security code that is essential for every person who is entering the school for the security of students as well as teachers. The school is a Holistic approach based School that provides quality care for each student and takes care of children on behalf of their parents.

  • Location- 243 St. James Street, Thunder Bay, ON P7A 3P1
  • Website- www.schoolhouseplaycare.com
  • Contact- (807) 344-8719

4. Miss Smiley’s Preschool

Miss Smiley’s Preschool was registered in 2015 and opens from Monday to Friday from 6:30 AM to 5:30 PM. The preschool is owned and operated by a family situated near the school. They work from their heart and give their best to give every skill which they have and teachers also try to learn from students from their experience.

They called parents once a month and take their suggestions that how can they develop and maintain their school facility and education. They ask parents to be impartial and tell them every lack of what their school has so that they can make some changes and improve their childcare center.

  • Location- 277 County Blvd, Thunder Bay, ON P7A 7M8
  • Website- https://www.yellowpages.ca/bus/Ontario/Thunder-Bay/Miss-Smiley-s-Preschool
  • Contact- 807-629-2193

5. W J Griffis Children’s Centre

It was established in 2002 and offering its excellent resources and services since then to the people of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The school is a nonprofit childcare Centre that has inclusive childcare facilities and enhanced educational programs. The school has been categorized into two programs that include the Bambini Program: Ages 1.5-2.5 years of age and Casa Program: Ages 2.5-6 years of age. The school offers a before and after school program kindergarten program and prekindergarten program.

The School is located near elder Ave and has sophisticated and pure surroundings. The school organized this various outdoor activities and take students on field trips and to the historical buildings so that children can know about the moral values and the history of their country and can respect their ancestors.

The parents are satisfied and happy and suggest every person to their child in this preschool that is not only childcare but a gate towards success and prosperity.

  • Location- 717 John St, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 1Z7
  • Website- https://www.yellowpages.ca/bus/Ontario/Thunder-Bay/W-J-Griffis-Childrens-Centre
  • Contact- 807-768-3222

This segment will help you to choose the best preschool for your child. Read carefully about these preschools and their facilities so that you can choose the right one for your child and the school that suits them best. A good preschool should include emergency services and a Healthcare facility and should have a personal doctor to take care of students in the emergency time. These preschools almost have every facility that is required for a child’s today and future life.

Hope you liked our listing of best preschool and childcare in Thunder Bay, Ontario (Canada). You can follow Kidpid on Facebook and Youtube for daily updates.

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