Our earth is just one sort life though there is not living life. Almost two and half billion years ago earth was very different place. Not anything you’d understand, or could even watch, but the story of a sort nevertheless. While those antiquated single-cell life forms were generated by dividing, they also led to mutate like absurd, at least on an evolutionary system. And some of them began a mass destruction incident.

When oxygen enters into the cell it forms super dioxide i.e.O2 .this is molecule oxygen species will react with molecules in the cell and destroy them.  Thus when the creation of the environment changed during the “great Oxygen Event’, anaerobic bodies were nearly all demolished.

Amoeba and bacteria is the single celled organism which will never die.  It is so, because of renewal, the body of the parent cell is divided into child cells. So, in effect, there is no possible end in Amoeba and bacteria. They are considered as biological immortal. They never grow old and never die thus they are considered as the first living animal on the earth. They regularly share Mitosis to repeat, in which the cell itself gets divided into two collection groups.

These are the single celled bacteria called cyanobacteria .they live inside water on oxygen. The gases present on the outer side of the atmospheres are methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen. They come out on surface to perform photosynthesis. When the body reaches a food scrap, the pseudopodia surround the particle.

These are actually biologically immortal in nature. They don’t die when they grow old they usually undergo Mitosis to reproduce, in which the organism itself gets divided into two cell divisions. They have their own body cells which never die. Unicellular animals achieve movement using cilia and flagella. Natural immortality is a state in which destruction due to chronological aging.

Humid tropical forests, slime molds’ favored habitat, have existed on Earth since the mid-Paleozoic, about 380 million years ago. Rain bears have famously endured excessive warmth, weight, pollution, dehydration, and the vacuum of space. While those old single-cell life forms generated by dividing, they also managed to mutate like crazy, at least on an evolutionary scale. And some of them provoked a mass destruction incident. one have to admire what kind of life models will result in the nursery gas-rich atmosphere that will continue after we become obsolete after the climate transformation apocalypse.

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