Is Santa Real? (A Scientific Analysis)
Where do all our presents come from on Christmas?
Is it really Santa Claus, as our parents claim it to be? Is Santa even real? If yes, then how does he tick off his checklist in a single night and that too alone?
Let’s clear up any and all misconceptions around this topic.
Santa and his Reindeer
The popular interpretation details out that Santa’s ride for delivering presents all over the world is in fact a sleigh pulled by several Reindeer. Another popularly accepted idea is that the most famous one of them is named Rudolph and we even have a melodic Christmas Carol in its name, “Rudolph, the red-nosed Reindeer”.
Most of us have believed this herd of Reindeer to be that of the male species. However, the scientific fact that the antlers of male Reindeer ( also known as Caribou in North America) are cast-off during the winter season counters this widely believed idea. This proves that all these Reindeer are in fact female.
How are the Reindeer able to float?
We all know that animals living around the North Pole have multiple layers of fur over their bodies to protect them from extreme climate. Similarly, a Reindeer’s body is covered by two different layers of hair, one having short and dense hair and another on top of it with long and hollow hair. This leaves out a layer of air in between these two and thus causes insulation or hollowness, thereby turning them buoyant.
Moreover, this kind of insulation generates an unimaginable amount of heat in their bodies and protects them against temperatures as low as -40 Celsius.
Do Reindeer really have red noses?
As is popularly believed and propagated via the previously mentioned Christmas Carol, the noses of Reindeer do in fact glow in the winter.
A Reindeer’s nose has a lot more blood vessels inside it than human beings do. As was discussed earlier, their bodies generate a huge amount of heat, so there should also be a way to eliminate unnecessary heat. This task is accomplished by their noses. Therefore, during this process, their noses turn red and appear to be glowing.
How does Santa go around the world in a day?
The different timezones and the varying times of sunrise and sunset come to Santa’s aid. Adding on, due to this factor Santa actually ends up with 32 hours to deliver presents all around the world instead of 24.
Doing the math as is mentioned in the video below explains how Santa might travel from one house to another to reach around 2.2 billion children on Earth. However, considering all the stops and the speed at which he needs to travel doesn’t seem feasible at all.
Another theory that might help him accomplish this task is the possibility of parallel universes and timelines. Quantum Physics seems a bit overreaching but then again so does Santa.
Whether Santa is real or not, that question will always perplex us till the end of time. Just enjoy yourself during the holiday season and let your curiosity run its course. You never know what might come your way, maybe even Santa!