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What’s inside a snail’s shell?



What’s inside a snails shell?

Fun Facts:

  1. Snail and shellfish belong to the same category.
  2. The mucous secreted by the snail is found to be positive thing for our skin by providing us with some healing properties.
  3. According to the reports, the smallest land animal can fit inside the eye of the needle.

Related Questions:

  1. Explain the uses of snail’s shell.
  2. How is snail useful to us?
  3. Explain some species of different type of snail.

True or False:

  1. Snail belong to the kingdom plantae.
  2. Snail belong to the kingdom Animalia.
  3. Snail have no shells on them.
  4. Slugs have shells on them.
  5. Snail and slugs are same with no difference in between them.

Objective Quiz:

  1. Snails belong to the _______.
    1. Phylum Mollusca.
    2. Phylum Mammalia.
    3. Phylum Insecta.
    4. None of the above.
  2. The snail without shell is known as ______.
    1. A slug.
    2. A sludge.
    3. A snug.
    4. None of the above.
  3. Snail has ______ of tentacles.
    1. A pair
    2. Three pair.
    3. Two pair.
    4. None of the above.
  4. Shell is used for the _________.
    1. Protection.
    2. Walking.
    3. Both 1) and 2).
    4. None of the above.
  5. The main substance for the shell is _______.
    1. Calcium carbonate.
    2. Calcium sulphate.
    3. Calcium chloride.
    4. Calcium nitrate.


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