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Why are poison dart frogs so colorful?


Poison Dart Frog:

Why are poison dart frogs so colourful?

Fun Facts:

  1. As poison dart frog gets its poison through its diet, the poison dart frog present in the zoo are not toxic because they have a controlled diet.
  2. Did you know, a group of poison dart frog is given the term “army”.
  3. Some species of poison dart frog has great medicinal advantages for humankind.

Related Questions:

  1. What is meant by predator?
  2. Who all are the predator of poison dart frog?
  3. What is the characteristic features of poison dart frog?

True or False:

  1. Poison dart frog belong to kingdom plantae.
  2. Poison dart frog are known to eat flowers.
  3. Poison dart frog has a very dull colour.
  4. Poison dart frog are not toxic.
  5. Poison dart frog are found in abundancy.

Objective Quiz:

  1. Poison dart frog belongs to the class _____.
    1. Animalia.
    2. Chordata.
    3. Amphibia.
    4. None of the above.
  2. Poison dart frog belongs to the kingdom ______.
    1. Animalia.
    2. Plantae.
    3. Both 1) and 2).
    4. None of the above.
  3. Poison dart frog are known to be ______.
    1. Colourful.
    2. Colourless.
    3. Black.
    4. None of the above.
  4. Poison dart frog can survive by eating ________.
    1. Small insects.
    2. Ants.
    3. Beetles.
    4. All of the above.
  5. Poison dart frog are known to get their poison through _______.
    1. Their habits.
    2. Their habitat.
    3. Their diet.
    4. Their parents.
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