Alphabetical Order Printable Worksheets for Grade 1
Hey there viewers! This week we bring to you this worksheet to help your kid learn to order things in alphabetical order. It is one of the most basic things that one needs to learn. It is important in several walks of life. One such scenario is when one consults a dictionary wherein words are arranged in alphabetical order. Download the worksheet and help your kid learn to order words in alphabetical order.
Alphabetical Order Practice Worksheet
The worksheet consists of several different exercises. In the first sheet, students need to sort the following dinner items in order. The items are fork, spoon, knife, plate, glass, and bowl.
In the second sheet, students need to sort the following kitchen items in order. The items are stove, spices, rice, oil, pan, and sink.
In the third sheet, students need to sort the following wardrobe items in an order. The items are frock, jewels, shirts, makeup box, pants, and purse. They need to write the items in ABC order.
Here, students would write the different organs in the human body such as the heart, kidney, lungs, eyes, brain and pancreas in ABC order.
In the next one, they’ll write the garden items in order. These items are flowers, rake, running saw, shovel, garden hose, and a lawn mower.
Next up are items that are commonly found in classrooms such as a bag, chalk, books, benches, black board and a duster.
In the following sheet, students would find words associated with the gym. They’ll sort out the words, deadlift, dumbbells, treadmill, indoor cycling, rowing machine, and weighing machine in alphabetical order.
Here they’ll find common items found in bathrooms such as soap, shampoo, bathing tub, toothbrush, washbasin, and bucket.
The next one requires them to sort the things commonly found in hospitals such as injection, band-aid, iv poles, stethoscope, wheelchair and thermometer in the ABC order.
In the final sheet of this worksheet for first graders, they would attempt to order these items related to a beach in alphabetical order. The items that need sorting are shell, boat, sandcastle, lifeguard, waves, and surfboard.
Download the worksheet and guide the students through the exercises. All of our worksheets are printable and free. Be sure to visit our website for more flashcards, worksheets, and coloring books to give your child the best chances at learning new things at a faster pace. What are you waiting for then? Get started now!