Look at each picture and think of a word that means the opposite. Use the word bank to help you find the right antonym. Write the opposite word below each picture. This fun activity will help you learn about antonyms and improve your vocabulary. Get ready to challenge your mind and discover new words!
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Look At The Picture and Write Their Antonyms
Read More: Alphabet Writing Practice Printables
- unripe -> ripe
- wrong -> right
- ancient -> modern
- weak -> strong
- sour -> sweet
- solid -> liquid
- fat -> thin
- sunny -> cloudy
- antique -> new
- young -> old
- untidy -> tidy
- unhappy -> happy
- sharp -> dull
- tiny -> giant
- victory -> defeat
- visible -> invisible
- waste -> conserve
- top -> bottom
- approved -> disapproved
- wild -> tame
- successful ->unsuccessful
- reveal -> hide
- savings -> spend
- silly -> serious
You’ve completed the antonyms worksheet! Now you know how to find words that mean the opposite of each other. This will help you become a better reader and writer. Keep practicing and exploring new words every day. Learning antonyms can be fun and will make your vocabulary grow. Keep up the good work and enjoy your learning journey.
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