Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

We are here with colourful alphabet writing worksheets on the theme of animals. These worksheets are meant to be practice worksheets for children who already have a basic idea about writing small case letters. These incorporate animals as a part of their handwriting practice.

You will achieve two objectives with these worksheets. First, kids will come to know how to spell out the names of common animals and secondary, they can practice alphabet writing. All they need to do is join the dots and see the corresponding alphabet form in front of their eyes.

Animal Alphabet Practice Worksheet

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Ant is an insect that cooperates with its colony by communication. Interestingly, ants don’t even have ears and they use their antennas for the same function.

The first worksheet helps your kid practice how to write the first letter of the alphabet in Small letters.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Caterpillars spin a cocoon around themselves and live a part of their lives as a pupa, until the pupa hatches and a majestic adult butterfly emerges.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Camels are one of the rare animals who have adapted to life in a dry dessert. They are sometimes called the “ship of the dessert”, as they are the only dessert animal adequately tamed by humans for our own use.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Dinosaurs were animals who lived on earth during the Mesozoic Era but have gone extinct since. There exist many theories that try to explain their extinction, but scientists are yet to arrive at a full proof theory. However, the front runners are a sudden ice age or a meteor crash.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Elephants are the largest land mammals. They have various species, the largest of which is the African Savanna Elephant.  You have to guide them through difficult hand movements and adjust the grip of their hands. Learning to write in running hand is more challenging than block letters. So you have to give them their space to adjust and learn this new technique of witting.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Besides having fins, gills and scales fishes also have an aerodynamic body that helps them swim more efficiently.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Goats are domestic, herbivorous animals that live about as long as dogs do. The extent of domestication varies from terrain to terrain and climate to climate. For example, mountain goats tend to be more violent and free-spirited than goats that live in plains.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Hippos are animals found extensively in the African continent. They play around in water pools throughout the day to keep themselves cool in severe African summers.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Green iguanas have three eyes and they like any other cold-blooded reptile shed their skin and hibernate during the winter months.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

A jellyfish is a fascinating creature from the ocean. Some jellyfishes can glow in the dark, while some have poisonous stings. But the most interesting superpower a kind of jellyfish can have is the ability to live forever.  The Turritopsis dohrnii possesses this superpower.

At this point you want your child to not only keep going on but also keep recollecting and practising the previous letters. One shouldn’t put too much on their plate if they are done perfecting what they learnt before.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

A kangaroo is marsupial and is the national animal of Australia. Marsupials are those animals who give birth to very ill-developed young ones and the mother carries them in their pouch until they are ready to survive in the wild on their own. Baby kangaroos are called Joyes.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

A group of lions is called a Pride and each Pride is headed by a male lion as identifiable with his mane. While lions roam freely and in plenty in the African safari, the Gir Forest in India is the last known natural habitat of the Asiatic lion, thus making the forest a protected National Park.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Monkeys much like humans are primates. They have unique fingerprints and can learn to app our behavior in a lab setting. In the journey of evolution, today’s monkeys and today’s humans split ways around 60 million years ago.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Narwhals are whales that have a tusk protruding from the front of the face. This tusk is just an extension of their canine tooth. Narwhals have adapted to survive in cold waters surrounding the North Pole

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

An octopus is a deep ocean creature with eight hands as well as three hearts.

At this point, the kid is done with more than half of the alphabet and has earned themselves a break. Do not pressurize the child to keep on going if they don’t feel like it. You want them to learn such basics with their heart and not see it as a compulsion.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Penguins are flightless birds found in Antarctica. They are covered in blubber and are excellent swimmers. They have an interesting mating ritual where the male penguin is supposed to bring the most beautiful rocks to the female as a proposal of their love.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Bees are the most hard-working insects known to man. They travel for millions of miles to collect a few millilitres of honey. The queen bee is the queen of her hive and her only job is to lay eggs to carry the generations of bees forward.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Rabbits are herbivore animals whose females are called does, males are called bucks and interestingly, baby bunnies are called kittens.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Snakes swallow their preys whole due to their lack of teeth. They can eat prey a lot larger than themselves as their incredibly flexible jaws help them do so.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Tigers are majestic felines with glow in the dark eyes and a knack for hunting. Unfortunately, due to how valuable their skin is, tigers have also been hunted into endangerment by humans.  It is a protected animal in many countries. Especially, the Royal Bengal Tiger which is the national animal of India and thus protected by government initiatives.

If the child begins to lose interest, the graphics can come to their rescue. You should try to engage them with the animals shown, perhaps by making up stories with the animal as a character. And the kid’s fascination with the story will help drive the way they learn to write.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Unicorns are mythical creatures that are assumed to have been invented in Great Britain as they were thought to be the natural foe of the English Lion. Unicorns are the national animal of Scotland to this day.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Vultures are birds of prey that soar over a large radius of the area trying to feed on other sick or dead animals.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Blue whales are the largest living mammals to ever live on Earth. Whales may be able to swim very well but aren’t good at breathing underwater like fish. They need to come up to the surface for breathing with their lungs as humans do.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

X-ray fishes are very small aquatic creatures most of the fishes of the species are largely concentrated around Australia.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Yaks are bovines that are domesticated by people living in mountains same as buffalos are in the plains. Buffalo and Yaks even share the same bovine family tree.

You want your child to take it slow and not become overwhelmed with all these worksheets with so many letters. You not only want them to finish solving all the worksheets but also retain the muscle memory of how to write the letters and animal names for the rest of their lives.

Colorful Animals Alphabet Writing Worksheets

Zebras are very jittery social animals. Even though it may seem like zebras and horses differ in no other way but appearance, a zebras anxiety around other animals make them incredibly difficult to domesticate.

Upon reaching the end of this series of worksheets you must understand that your child’s writing journey isn’t even near completion. It’s okay if they keep getting confused and are unable to keep all the letters straight in their heads. All they need is some practice and your constant support.

These worksheets will help your child get to know some new animal friends as well as help them with their handwriting. So go ahead, print and hand them over to your toddler.

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