This is a belong or not belong worksheet designed for first-grade students.  They must identify which image does not belong in a group of items and circle it. They have to circle the odd one-out image in the particular row. This activity will enhance critical thinking and sharpen the kids’ minds from an early age. So keep practicing such worksheets and build your knowledge.

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Identify Which Animal Do Not Belong in a Group Of Items & Circle It

Read More: Things That Do Not Belong Worksheet for Kindergarten

Belong or Not Belong Worksheet For Grade 1

In this belong or not belong worksheet, students will practice the questions by identifying which animal does not belong in a group of items and circling it. It includes four rows and each one has one odd one-out animal so students will circle that image.

Belong or Not Belong Worksheet For Grade 1

Students will learn about the belong or not belong worksheet. They have to identify which vehicle does not belong in a group of items and circle it. It includes four rows and each one has one odd one-out vehicle so students will circle that image.

Well done on completing the belong or not belong worksheet.  Now the first-grade students will understand how to identify the odd-one-out images of animals and vehicles with the help of these worksheets. If you want to enhance your critical thinking and mental ability, these worksheets will help you. SO keep practicing such worksheets to build your knowledge and get excel in the future.

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