What is the Thyroid?

Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped small organ located on the neck. Even though it is small in size, it has a significant role to play in our body. Its function is to ensure the proper working of cells in our body by using hormones which deliver message to the cells. Thyroid is made up of lobules which consist of smaller cells called follicles. The hormones are stored in the follicular cells.

Hormones produce by Thyroid

Thyroid produces two types of hormones. They are :

  1. T3 or Thyroxine
  2. T4 or Triiodothyronine

The function of the hormones is to order each cell in the body when to consume oxygen and nutrients which in turn maintains the metabolism in our body. When the hormones produced in the thyroid functions effectively, our heart rate increases which lead to faster break down of nutrients by the cell. To increase the metabolism of a weak body, thyroid produces more hormones. In a nutshell, the thyroid allows our cells to use energy, grow and to be reproduced.

The thyroid is controlled by the pituitary gland which is located deep in the brain. It looks into the entire function of thyroid. The pituitary gland checks the level of hormones in the blood. However, in some cases, certain diseases can change the hormonal level in the blood which causes an imbalance in the body.

Thyroid Disorders


It is the condition where in the organ produces too many hormones. In this case, the cells are overloaded with the instruction to consume nutrients and oxygen. The symptoms are hyperactivity, faster heartbeat, constant hunger, rapid loss of weight, feels hot, sweaty, anxious and also finds difficult to sleep.


It is the condition opposite to hyperthyroidism wherein the organ produces very fewer hormones. The messengers are not inappropriate number and hence the metabolism slows. The symptoms are weight gain, sensitivity to cold, sluggishness, swollen joints and feeling low.

Treatments are done for each condition in order to maintain the rate of metabolism.

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