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How fast do rockets go?

The rockets require a great speed to escape through the Earth’s gravitational force.

We will learn it in detail, but before that let us know what is rocket, and what is it used for?



Uses for Rockets are:

Parts of Rockets:

Why we require a great amount of speed for a rocket?

Fun Facts:

  1. A typical rocket is at least about 30 times more faster than the original passenger jets.
  2. The first rocket in space was launched by a country named Germany in 1942.
  3. The most largest rocket is of about 300 feet tall.

Additional Questions:

  1. What is gravitational force?
  2. What is escape velocity?
  3. What is spacecraft?

True or False:

  1. Rockets need to escape through Earth’s gravitational force to launch a satellite.
  2. Rocket goes by a very less speed.
  3. Rockets are used for travelling in space.
  4. Rockets are divided into six sections.
  5. The velocity require escaping through Earth’s gravitational field is called as gravitational force.

Objective Quiz:

  1. Rockets are used to launch ________.
    1. Satellite.
    2. Car.
    3. Motor bike.
    4. None of the above.
  2. The force responsible for us to be attached or attracted to ground is known as ________.
    1. Gravitational Force.
    2. Moving Force.
    3. Rotational force.
    4. None of the above.
  3. The part of rocket carrying astronauts is named as ______.
    1. Nose cone.
    2. Fins.
    3. Engine.
    4. All of the above.
  4. ______ is the speed required by rocket to escape Earth’s gravitational force.
    1. Escape velocity.
    2. Escape gravitation velocity.
    3. Both 1) and 2).
    4. None of the above.
  5. ______ part of engine is responsible for the rocket to attain higher speed.
    1. Engine.
    2. Fins.
    3. Nose cone.
    4. All of the above.
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