Human Body

Our human body is a complex biological system made up of various organ systems like the digestive system, respiratory system etc., which are in turn made up of organs. These organs (like stomach, lungs etc.) are made up of tissues and these tissues are made up of cells.

cells-> tissues -> organs -> organ systems -> human body

From our outer appearances, our body can be divided into head, limbs and the trunk. Our head is the house for our brain which is equally important as our heart and helps in all the functioning. Our limbs comprise of hands and legs, which help in movements. The trunk consists of the neck, which allows movement of our head; and the remaining upper body which is the house of a lot of organs.

All with our organ systems, you might wonder, how do we sense our surroundings? How are we able to smell the wet mud, and feel the prick of the thorns on a rose branch? These senses are due to our sense organs. These organs help us realise the type of surrounding that we are in. The first and foremost of them, which is helping you read this article, is the sense of vision by your eyes. The next one is hearing through our ears, followed by smell (olfactory senses) through our nose. The next one is the tongue, which gives you the sense of taste, to experience the flavour and texture of the food you eat. Last but not the least, our skin- giving us the sense of touch.

There are numerous organ systems in our body which are helping you live life. These have specific individual functions and also work together with all the organ systems. Some of them are:


1. Skeletal system



It is made up of bones, ligaments, and tendons. It supports the overall structure of the body and protects the organs. For example, the rib cage protects the heart and lungs.

Fun Fact!

You’re taller in the morning than at night. All throughout the day, because of gravity, the cartilages compress reducing your height !!

2. Muscular System


It works closely with the skeletal system. Along with the muscles help the body to move and connect with the world.

Fun Fact!

One of your most hardworking muscles in the body is your eye muscles !!

3. Circulatory System


This system consists of blood which flows through our body carrying important nutrients and oxygen in the blood vessels. The heart lies in this system which pumps blood that circulates in our body.

Fun Fact!

Though people have small blood vessels, the networking is amazingly long. If they were laid out, they could circle the globe !!

4. Digestive System


Some of the organs included in the digestive system are the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, and pancreas. The digestive system breaks down food and it absorbs the nutrients from it, giving energy to our body.

Fun Fact!

You can produce enough saliva to fill 2 bathtubs a year !!<

5. Nervous System


It helps the body to communicate and allows the brain to control various functions of the body. It includes the brain, spinal cord, and a large network of nerves.

Fun Fact!

Your old memories take up a portion because of which producing new memories is a little difficult.

6. Respiratory System

It consists of lungs and the wind pipe. The air we breathe is filtered in our lungs, where oxygen is absorbed in the blood and the carbon dioxide is breathed out.

Fun Fact!

Healthy lungs are pink lungs. When a person inhales a lot of smoky, polluted air, it affects the lungs which can cause breathing problems.

7. Endocrine System

The endocrine system produces hormones which are chemicals that helps control or adjust the other systems in the body. It includes organs like pancreas, adrenal glands, thyroid, pituitary, and more.

8. Urinary System


The urinary system uses the kidneys to filter the blood and eliminate waste. It includes the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. This waste is released in the form of urine or stool.

9. Immune System

Our immune system is like the walls of our house, protecting us from the external harms like bacteria, viruses, parasites etc. Without our immune system working properly, we become more sick. This immune system consists of a lot of our blood cells, external barriers like our skin. Do you know why tears come to your eyes when theres a lot of wind? This is because yours eyes are trying to protect from the dust.

10. Reproductive System

The reproductive system in organisms is also known as the genital system, which helps in procreation and production of several important hormones.

11. Integumentary System

This organ system is the outer protection layer of our body. Our skin, protecting us from the harmful radiations like the UV rays. Do you know why you sweat a lot in the summers? This is because the sweat our sweat glands release helps maintain our body temperature, and hence, the sweat provides a cooling effect to us. 

Fun Facts!

The taste receptors (which respond to an action/stimulus) aren’t only present on your tongue. In fact, they are also present in the back of your throat, your nose and your oesophagus. Do you know what this means? Your nose can taste your food too !!

Everyone has dreams right? But did you know that 12% of people dream in black and white. And since people started using the television,  the people having dreams in colours have increased !!



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