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Ice Cream Cone Number Order Printable Worksheets

Do you remember the days when you were kids starting with your studies; those long hours that your parents sat with you trying to teach you alphabets, numbers, and how to write? What used to be your favorite exercise? I am not sure about you but mine was tracing alphabets and numbers. Somehow, I found it a fun exercise. This week, we bring to you one such exercise for your kids to practice writing numbers at home.

Tracing is a simple activity. Children have to join the dotted lines by tracing a line over them. As simple as the activity is, it is very effective. It develops the required hand dexterity and muscle memory needed to grip a pencil or a pen the right way. Of course, tracing is primarily introduced for one to familiarize themselves with the way a number, a letter, or anything else is written.

Ice-Cream Cone Number Practice Worksheets

Given below in the following worksheets are a number of ice cream cones and the toppings. Children have to trace the numbers and then color the ice cream and the cones. Here, children can color it according to their preferences. They can fill it with the color of their favorite delight be it chocolate, mango, or any other flavor.  When finished they need to carefully cut out the scoops of ice cream and glue them on the cones in the correct order. It is essential for one to know the correct order of the numbers. To do so, one must be familiar with the concept of place values. Children often learn numbers orally. They start with counting to ten and then learn about the place values as they go further. It is important to learn as it is only with the knowledge of the concept that one can understand how a single-digit number is smaller than a double-digit number and vice-versa.

Through this exercise, your kid would be able to learn how to write the numbers properly, build the necessary hand-dexterity and muscle memory, have fun while coloring their favorite delicacy, and learn to order the numbers with the help of place value (From 01 to 50). Be mindful of the fact that scissors are sharp and it can be dangerous to kids. For their ease and safety help them out by cutting the pieces out for them to do the task.

Download and print the worksheet to get started with the activity now!

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