This article includes a fun learning activity with alphabets! A perfect program for your little one to ace the alphabetical questions! You will be given fun and eye-catching flashcards/books on the alphabet with questions about each alphabet! This will help in recognition, question-answering, and English learning practices for the kiddos on their own as they will be tempted by the fascinating design of each flashcard/page! You can also print them out to have a quiz with them!
Easy Alphabet Learning For Kids
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A for Apple
Q. What is this?
A. This is an apple.
Q. What color is this?
A. It is red.
B for Bat
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Cricket bat.
Q. What is it made of?
A. It is made of wood.
C for Cat
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Cat.
Q. How many legs does a cat have?
A. It has 4 legs.
D for Dog
Q. What is this?
A. This is a dog.
Q. How many legs does a dog have?
A. It has 4 legs.
E for Ear
Q. What is this?
A. This is an ear.
Q. What is this useful for?
A. It is useful for listening.
F for Fan
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Fan.
Q. What is a fan useful for?
Q. It is useful for Air.
G for Goat
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Goat.
Q. What does a Goat eat?
A. A Goat eats grass.
H for House
Q. What is this?
A. This is a House.
Q. What does a House use for?
A. A House is used for living in it.
I for Ice cream
Q. What is this?
A. This is an ice cream.
Q. How many Flavors of ice cream are in here?
A. There are three flavors in this ice cream.
J for Joker
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Joker.
Q. Where does he work?
A. He works in a circus.
K for Kitten
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Kitten.
Q. Whose child is called a kitten?
A. A Cat’s child is called a Kitten.
L for Lion
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Lion.
Q. Where does it live?
A. Lion lives in a forest.
M for Monkey
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Monkey.
Q. What does it eat?
A. Monkey eats Banana.
N for Nose
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Nose.
Q. What does it useful for?
A. The nose is useful for breathing.
O for Orange
Q. What is this?
A. This is an Orange.
Q. What is it useful for?
A. Orange is useful for vitamin C intake.
P for Parrot
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Parrot.
Q. What does it like to eat?
A. Parrot likes to eat chili.
Q for Queen
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Parrot.
Q. What does it like to eat?
A. Parrot likes to eat chili.
R for Rat
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Rat.
Q. What is the color of this rat?
A. The color of this rat is grey.
S for Sun
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Sun.
Q. What is the color of the sun in this picture?
A. This Sun is yellow.
T for Tiger
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Tiger.
Q. Where does the tiger live?
A. Tiger lives in the forest.
U for Umbrella
Q. What is this?
A. This is an Umbrella.
Q. What is the color of this umbrella?
A. This Umbrella is pink.
V for Van
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Van.
Q. What is the color of this van?
A. The color of this Van is red.
W for Watch
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Watch.
Q. What is it useful for?
A. It is useful to check out the time.
X for X-ray
Q. What is this?
A. This is an X-ray.
Q. What color is this?
A. We use it to view bones.
Y for Yellow
Q. What color is this?
A. This is Yellow color.
Q. Which fruit is yellow in color?
A. Banana is yellow in color.
Z for Zoo
Q. What is this?
A. This is a Zoo.
Q. What can we do there?
A. We can see a lot of animals and birds over there.
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