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Number Games for Kindergarten Kids

Boring lecture method where only the teacher communicates, where only kids are required to repeat after their teacher with whatever they say this system is close to being abolished. Gone are the days when students or kids weren’t given the opportunity to put their own thoughts, opinions, or queries, etc.

Today’s best method of learning comes from encouraging students to participate in games where they will be able to interact with each other. Interaction means communication between two or more people. Games nowadays are a very popular means of problem-solving. Children not can only play together but also can learn together as well and things learned trough this way stays in mind for a very long time.

We can also see that kids love to play meanwhile playing they also can learn, so different games basically number games are introduced and are discussed in detail below. Due to the hands-on nature of games, they help focus the children on the concepts of maths which every parent wants their child to practice.


Easy To Play Kindergarten Number Games For Kids

1. Five Of Each

A great short and extremely simple game that really helps to develop number sense in kids.

What materials would be required-

Procedure or Process-

2. Train Game

As the very name suggests, this game is a bit exciting than the previous one. Here kids will learn about numbers while making trains for themselves. Trian blocks will help them learn about numbers in a playful manner with imaginative skills.

Materials Required to create this Train Game-

Procedure for making Train Game-

3. Bear Hike

This game can be based on whatever story you’ have read you to your kids. Basically, this game is based on a story like the bears and cats went for a walk. 2sat on the grass and 3sat in the sand. How many animals were there altogether?

Materials required to play this game:

Procedure: how to play this game inexact:

You are just required to make up a story or tell a story to them. Then they will follow their own counters and mats. This way they will grasp the concept of adding and subtracting at the same time.

Let’s take an example- The bears went for a walk. They went to a beach and also on the lovely green lawn ( at this time show them the blue and the green mats available with you). 4went into the waters (now according to the given data, kids will put their counters 4counters on the blue mat) and rest went on the grass available there. Now ask them this question how many are on the grass?” Let the students decide and just say the answers out loud.

Then again continue with, “Three of the bears were cold in the water and so they walked to the grass. How many are exactly left in the water? Now ask them this question. How many bears all together in the water and the grass?”

Keep this bear stories continuing until the children lose interest. And now let the children make up their own number stories.

Recording their games

After a few playtimes, guide your kids into recording their own thinking with letters, numbers, words, or pictures they can print. Like- children can color one side of a paper blue and the other green and then draw bears on each side.

4. Ready, Set, Go

This kindergarten number game is different from others as this one is a timed game that adds excitement to counting sets of numbers.

Materials for playing Ready set go:

Procedure for Ready, Set Go:

Number games are much more interesting than just involving kids with reciting numbers over and over again. We learn songs better than our chapter in the same way we learn things better when we take an interest in it. You can apply any of these games to increase the learning power of your kids. Zero boredom and lots of fun is what these games assure you of.

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