In total there are 26 alphabets in the English language. Of these 26 alphabets, 21 are consonants and the remaining 5 are vowels. Vowels and consonants are different in terms of their sounds and the way they are pronounced.

A consonant is a sound that is made by blocking air from flowing out of the mouth with the teeth, tongue, lips, or palate whereas, a vowel is a sound that is made by allowing the breath to flow out of the mouth, without closing any part of the mouth or throat. It is important to identify the difference between sounds.

Vowel sounds are important for kids to identify as it dictates several rules in grammar such as the use of articles which depends on the vowel sounds. The five vowels are a,e,i,o,u. The worksheet focuses on building an understanding of these sounds in kids. Children have to identify the images and say the name of each of them. Then they have to color the pictures that have short vowel sounds in them.

Short Vowels Coloring Practice Worksheet

In the first sheet, children have to identify the ‘a’ vowel sound.

Short Vowels Coloring Worksheets for Kids

In the second worksheet, children have to identify the images of things that have the short vowel sound of ‘e’ when pronounced.

Short Vowels Coloring Worksheets for Kids

In the following worksheet, they have to color the images that have the short vowel sound of ‘i’ when pronounced. They have to choose the right ones from duck, fish, dog, rat, fox, bat, cat, and chamelion.

Short Vowels Coloring Worksheets for Kids

Similarly in the fourth worksheet, they have to identify the short ‘o’ vowel sound and color the picture.

Short Vowels Coloring Worksheets for Kids

The final sheet of the exercise consists of nine different pictures from which children have to identify the words that have the short ‘u’ sound in them.

Short Vowels Coloring Worksheets for Kids

As mentioned earlier, it is essential for children to know the difference between consonants and vowels as these are the fundamental concepts in phonetics as well as building blocks of grammar. Download and print the worksheets to get your kids started with vowels.