Did your child take an interest when you talk about space and its objects? Well, young children usually show interest in listening about space as it sounds magical and interesting. Learning about the things that are found in space is also important for small children. To make children learn about all those things we are here with an amazing study material that will help your child to know about all the things that space includes in a very interesting manner. This study material comes in the form of beautiful flashcard sheets that includes various planets like earth, Jupiter, moon, mercury, mars, Neptune, Saturn, etc. It also includes multiple space objects like astronauts, meteoroids, galaxies, stars, rockets, satellites, etc. These flashcards look super cute as include both names and pictures of the objects which makes it easy for the young, learners to memorize the objects. These flashcards are suitable for pre-primary and first-grade children. So let your child enjoy this amazing learning experience with Kidpid’s space blue flashcard sheets.
Space Things Flashcard Sheet
Space Things Flashcard Sheet- 1
Space Things Flashcard Sheet- 2
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