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What Causes Hallucinations?

A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is incorrect is a judgment based upon it.

We know that human brains are the most complex structure found with a hundred billion neurons crammed in there. And there is a price for all that entanglement which means that there are a lot of ways for things to go erroneous like a hallucination.

By choice, our brain attains information from the sensory organs to complete the picture, but sometimes our brain skips all this and initiates to play stratagem on us.

Have you ever felt like your name is being called out when you’re alone? That’s a hallucination y’all. But common for people with schizophrenia which is thought to be partially caused by chemical imbalances in the thalamus which is obnoxious.

Some common hallucinations are


Did you know hallucination can last mere minutes or recur for years? Our brain malfunctions can cause us to see things that aren’t there like monsters. fMRI studies predict that hallucinations activate the same brain area as a sight that is not activated by fantasy.

If a certain part of the fusiform gyrus is hyperactive, then Epilepsy, tumors, or migraine can cause this Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, but we still don’t completely comprehend what causes hallucination.

All this information sounds so amazing that it makes us wonder how our brain can construct the world we perceive.

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