“Heart” one of the most important organ pf human body. Have you ever wondered what is actually present in heart. Or what is it made up of? Before that let us gather some basic information about heart.

Such as:

Location- Where actually heart is located?

  • Heart is located between the two lugs, middle in the thorax/chest cavity.

Major Function.

  • The main function of heart is to plump blood to the different parts of the body.
  • Pumping oxygenated blood along with few essential nutrients and minerals to the parts of human body.
  • Receiving deoxygenated blood from other parts of body and pumping them back to lungs for oxygenation.
  • Maintaining blood pressure of the human body.

Now, let us move forward with our topic and get to know the structure of human heart.

Human heart consist of four chambers, named as:

  • Right Atrium
  • Right Ventricle
  • Left Atrium
  • Left Ventricle


  • Right Atrium and right ventricle are called as right part of heart and left atrium and left ventricle are called as left part of heart. Right atrium and left atrium forms the upper part of heart. And the right ventricle and left ventricle forms the lower part of heart.
  • The right atrium gets deoxygenated blood from superior vena cava in it.
  • Which is the transferred to right ventricle through a valve called as tricuspid valve.
  • The blood is then carried to lungs from right ventricle through the pulmonary artery for oxygenation of blood.
  • Oxygenated Blood is then returned from lungs to left atrium with the help of pulmonary veins.
  • Blood from left atrium is pushed into left ventricle through the mitral valve.
  • And at last the blood from left ventricle is then pumped into the body through the artery called as aorta.

Associated structures with heart:

  • Superior vena cava– The superior vein among thee two, which drains the deoxygenated blood from upper part of body to the right atrium
  • Inferior vena cava- The inferior vein among the two which carries deoxygenated blood from middle and lower body to drain into right atrium.
  • Pulmonary artery/ Pulmonary trunck- They carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs for oxygenation of blood. They are the only artey of human body which carry de-oxygenated blood in it.
  • Pulmonary veins– They carry back oxygenated blood from lungs to the left atrium. They are present in four numbers.
  • Aorta– It is the largest artery of the human body originating from the left ventricle. Its prime function is to carry oxygenated blood from heart to periphery (away from the center).

Fun Facts:

  • Each day, a normal heart pumps about 7,571 liters (2000 gallons) of blood and beat around 100,000 times.
  • Human heart is about the size of a fist in adults.
  • A women’s heart are said to beat slightly faster than that of man’s.

Additional Questions:

  • What is septum?
  • Describe different parts of aorta and its branch
  • Explain circulatory system of human body.

True or false:

  1. Human heart is not at all important organ.
  2. Human heart are four chambered.
  3. Heart is placed in between the abdominal cavity.
  4. The main function of great is to pump blood.
  5. Heart is a bony organ.

Objective Questions:

  1. The right side of heart consist of _________.
    1. Left atrium and left ventricle.
    2. Right atrium and right ventricle.
    3. Left atrium and right ventricle.
    4. Right atrium and left ventricle.
  2. The name of the vein carrying deoxygenated blood from upper part of body is__________.
    1. Superior vena cava.
    2. Inferior vena cava.
    3. Pulmonary artery.
    4. Pulmonary veins.
  3. The valve which allows the blood to flow from left atrium to the left ventricle is called as ________.
    1. Mitral valve.
    2. Bicuspid valve.
    3. Tricuspid valve.
    4. Both a) and b).
  4. The artery which originates from left ventricle is called as _________.
    1. Pulmonary artery
    2. Aorta
    3. Carotid artery
    4. None of the above.
  5. Human blood pressure is maintained by__________.
    1. Stomach.
    2. Brain.
    3. Lungs.
    4. Heart.