Welcome to the classroom objects word builder worksheet in which the first-grade students will learn about the objects we mostly use in the classroom to study. They will look at the image, cut and paste the name from the box into the given space to build the words and write them accurately in the blank column. Check out these worksheets to enhance your vocabulary by learning new words.
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Look, Build & Write Classroom Word Builder Worksheets For Grade 1
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- ta + ble = table
- ch + air = chair
- do + or = door
In this worksheet, students will learn about objects such as a table, a chair, and a door. They will first identify the image then cut the names from the box and paste them into the given space, afterwards write the name in the blank columns to learn the words proficiently. Students can take hints from the answer key below the worksheet.
- pen + cil = pencil
- bo + ard = board
- bo + ok = book
This worksheet will help the students practice the names of classroom objects by identifying the image, cutting the names from the box, pasting them in the given space, and then writing the names in the blank column. It also includes an answer key to complete the worksheet accurately.
- era + ser = eraser
- cra + yon = crayon
- mar + ker = marker
In this worksheet, students will identify the image of the classroom object, cut the names from the box, paste them into the given space to build the words and write the name in the blank column. It also includes an answer key to correct the mistakes. The classroom object names are an eraser, a crayon, and a marker.
- pap + er = paper
- gl + ue = glue
- ru + ler = ruler
In this worksheet, students will learn the words of the classroom objects such as paper, glue, and ruler. They will recognize the words, cut the names, and paste them in the blank space to build the words and write the names in the blank column. Students can take hints from the answer key.
Well done on completing the entire activity of learning classroom objects word builder. They have to recognize the names and write them as this will enhance their vocabulary by learning new words and writing skills by learning the spellings. By practicing these worksheets, they will recognize the various classroom objects and their names. This will even help them in the future to learn more complex words.
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