What is the purpose of making National Parks, Wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves?
- The purpose of Making National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves is to take care of the endangered animals and plants.
- They try to provide the animals and plants a natural environment.
- Cutting down trees and using it for any other purpose is called as deforestation.
- Trees are cut to use it for stationary purposes, in the making of buildings, in the making of furniture, for fuel etc..
- Deforestation also happens due to natural forest fires or in drought condition ( Reduction in rainfall leads to droughts).
- Trees are very important to us as it regulate the earth’s temperature.
- Deforestation increases the temperature and thus results in global warming and it also increases the pollution level as trees helps to clean the air.
- Rainfall and soil fertility reduces due to deforestation.
- Deforested area has a high risk of floods as deforestation decreases the water holding capacity of the soil.
- Fewer trees leads to soil erosion.
- Desertification is the condition when the top layer of the soil gets removed and the fertile land gets converted into desserts.
Conservation of forest and wildlife:
- The surface of the earth occupied by living organisms are termed as biosphere.
- To protect our plants and animals or our flora and fauna protected areas are made.
- These protected areas are known as Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves and National Parks.
- Areas where animals are protected are known as Wildlife Sanctuaries.
- Black Buck, White eyed buck, rhinoceros etc.. are some animals who are kept in a wild life sanctuary.
- Areas reserved for wildlife where they can use the habitats are known as National Parks.
- Large areas of protected land for conservation of wild life and of tribals living in that area are termed as Biosphere Reserves.
- Biospheres helps to maintain the biodiversity and the culture of that area.
Flora and Fauna:
- The plants found in a particular area are termed as Flora.
- The animals found in a particular area are termed as Fauna.
Endemic Species:
- The species which are found only in a particular area and not in other area are known as Endemic Species.
- Species are a group of population which are capable of interbreeding.
- There are many plants and animals which are found in a particular state or country and not in other states or countries.
- Sal is an example of endemic flora.
- Bison is an example of endemic Fauna.
Endangered Species:
- Animals who are on the verge of extinction are known as Endangered Species.
- Tiger is an example of Endangered Species.
- An ecosystem is made up of all living and non-living components.
Red Data Book:
- Red Data Book is the source book which keeps a record of all the endangered species.
- The phenomenon of the movement of the species from it’s own natural habitat to some other habitat for a particular time period every year.
- Planting trees which are cut down is termed as Reforestation.
- Reforestation takes place naturally also if the deforested area remains untouched.
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