Geometry Worksheets For Grade 1
This geometry concept is designed for grade 1st. This concept plays a crucial role in mathematics and teaches kids to draw different shapes. There are a variety of 2D and 3D shapes like circles, squares, triangles, cubes, and spheres that are assigned in this worksheet. Each shape is designed with beautiful colors so it will grab kids’s attention and escalate their knowledge in mathematics. Below every exercise, we have a download button and by clicking the button you will get our Telegram channel where daily practice worksheets are uploaded. So you can use the Telegram channel and help kids improve their knowledge.
Learn Geometry Worksheets For Grade 1
Read More: 3D Shape Sort Worksheet
Geoboard Shapes Worksheets For Grade 1
This exercise is very fascinating and increases kids’ creativity while learning important shapes. In this, kids need to draw a square and then they have to make it on their geoboard. Drawing shapes on Geoboread will help kids enhance their problem-solving skills and teach them about shapes and how they are different from each other. You can also draw different shapes, like triangles, circles, and ovals. To learn how to draw more shapes, you can click on the download button and find the worksheet on our Telegram channel. This worksheet is free to download so don’t hesitate.
Drawing Lines of Symmetry Printable Worksheet for Grade 1
This exercise needs a lot of focus, so we want kids to be attentive while drawing. Above, we have used different shapes with exciting colors that grab kids’s attention towards the shapes. In this exercise, kids need to draw lines of symmetry for every shape. Remember, if a shape has more than one symmetry, in that case, they need to include all of them. This will help kids to understand the properties of different shapes and encourage them to learn more. We are happy to see that our worksheet is helpful for kids; they are learning our concept.
Trace & Write Shapes Worksheet for Grade 1
In this exercise, we have different shapes and kids need to identify their names. Above, there are a total of four 2D shapes and there is a line below each shape in which we have to write its name. This exercise helps kids improve their sense memory and helps them to identify shapes by seeing their images. We have different shapes for practice that spread knowledge; you can click on the download button and find our worksheet. We hope kids are enjoying solving these exercises.
2D Shapes Word Scramble Worksheet For Grade 1
This exercise is fun and like a game where kids need to unscramble the letters to write the correct names of different shapes. Above, we have a total of twelve shapes with different moods, so kids need to recognize the shapes first and the need to unscramble the letters. All the shapes have different colors and moods that will bring kids’ attention and encourage them to solve. It is a simple exercise; kids just need to correct the spelling, that’s all.
Shapes Tracing & Coloring Worksheet For Grade 1
This exercise is a little bit tricky but we believe kids have understood the basics of geometry and they can solve this exercise quickly. Above, we have a total of five shapes and for each shape, kids need to perform two tasks. First, they need to trace and color the shape, and second, to draw two objects that are similar to the shape. So we hope kids will perform this exercise without any help.
Color The Geometric Shape Worksheets For Grade 1
In this exercise, kids need to color all the shapes according to the given guidelines. Above, we have a total of sixteen geometric and organic shapes, so the first thing kids need to do is identify the shape, which one is geometric and which one is organic. As per the shapes they need to color, for geometric they need to color shapes in blue, and for organic they need to color in red. We have provided the answer key below, so you can download it by clicking on the download button.
Rotating Shapes Worksheet For Grade 1
In this exercise, kids need to rotate shapes and draw three more shapes. Above, there are a total of three shapes and for each shape, kids need to rotate the first shape and then draw three more shapes. This exercise helps kids to understand different shapes and improve their problem-solving skills. We have more exercises in the worksheet like hearts, pentagons, trapezoids, and hexagons. So you can download our worksheet by clicking on the download button and join it for daily new concepts.
Scaling Shapes Worksheet For Grade 1
This exercise helps kids learn how to scale shapes. They need to redraw the same shape by making the first one bigger or smaller. Above, we have a total of three shapes and also there are guidelines for each shape mentioned. So kids need to follow the guidelines and redraw the shape. This will develop their logical thinking and boost their confidence to learn more in geometry. You can find more shapes on our Telegram channel. We hope you are adoring our worksheets.
Names of 3D Shapes Worksheet For Grade 1
Kids, let’s explore what 3D shapes look like. In this exercise, kids need to write the names of different shapes by recognizing them. Above, we have shapes with different colors, and their name suggestions are given in a box, so the first thing kids need to do is identify the shape and write the name below. We have provided the answer key in the worksheet, so kids can see if they face any issues. You can download the worksheet by clicking on the download button.
3D Shapes and Real Objects Matching Worksheet For Grade 1
This exercise is very exciting and helpful for kids by recognizing different 3D shapes. In this exercise, kids need to match the shapes to real objects. Above we have different shapes and objects in front of each other, so kids need to match all the shapes and find out which ones are similar.
2D and 3D Lookalikes Worksheet For Grade 1
In this exercise, kids need to match the 2D shapes with 3D. Above, we have different shapes and kids need to identify which ones look alike; as per the rule, they need to match both of the shapes. This exercise will help kids find out the difference between 2D and 3D. We will be very happy to know if the kids solved all the tasks.
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