Rotations on Paper Math Worksheets
In geometry, rotation is a transformation that turns a figure around a fixed point. The fixed point is called the center of rotation. It means moving shapes around a fixed point. Similar to when an object is reflected across a line when rotated the rotation of the object is the same shape and size, but the figures may be turned in different directions. Rotations may be done clockwise or counterclockwise.
Rotation On Paper Practice Worksheet
Our worksheet provides ample exercises to get started with rotations. Each of our five worksheets consists of two questions. The first one in the worksheet given below is a rectangle that needs to be rotated 90 degrees about point C. Similarly, the next one is a triangle that is to be rotated at an angle of 180 degrees about point G. The points C and G are the centers of rotations as these are the fixed point around which the rotation shall take place.
Practice makes a man perfect and our worksheets aim for nothing but perfection. The second one provides two other exercises for your practice. Here, the first one is a pentagon which you need to rotate 270 degrees about point D. After that we move on to hexagon which needs to be rotated 135 degrees about point J. Be mindful that the shapes are to be rotated counterclockwise.
This is the third worksheet. You can always print these out for your ease. In this one, the first shape is a hexagon that is to be rotated counterclockwise at an angle of 45 degrees about point E. The next one is a rectangle that is to be rotated 18 degrees about point H.
Here is another pentagon that is to be rotated counterclockwise at an angle of 45 degrees about point A. The next one is a triangle that you have to rotate 225 degrees with point F as the center of rotation.
This is the final worksheet. Here you have to rotate a pentagon and a rectangle counterclockwise at an angle of 225 degrees and 135 degrees respectively using the given points as the center of rotation.
Now that you have understood what is to be done, start now. Download our printable worksheets to practice the rotation of shapes in geometry!