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How does a magnet work?

Have you ever played with magnets? Or have you ever noticed how those refrigerator magnets remain stuck to the refrigerator door, year after year? Well, a magnet has a wide range of applications. But before that, let us learn few basic things about magnets.


What is a magnet?

Fun Facts:

  1. The compass was the earliest application of magnets.
  2. The compass shows direction by using the earth’s magnetic field.
  3. The most advanced use of magnets is done in Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) machines for scanning purposes.

Related Questions:

  1. What is magnetism?
  2. What is a magnetic field?
  3. What are the types of magnets?

True or False:

  1. A magnet is a material that has the ability to attracts other magnetic materials.
  2. Magnets have one pole only.
  3. Like poles of two magnets attract each other.
  4. The magnetic poles are the east and west poles.
  5. Magnets also have the ability to conduct electricity.

Objective Quiz:

  1. Magnets are the materials that have the ability to ______.
    1. Attract other metals.
    2. Generate a magnetic field
    3. Both 1) and 2).
    4. None of the above.
  2. ______ is the example of magnetic material.
    1. Iron.
    2. Steel.
    3. Nickel.
    4. All of the above.
  3. Magnets can also conduct _______.
    1. Electricity.
    2. Thermal power.
    3. Search.
    4. None of the above.
  4. The two poles of a magnet are named as ______.
    1. South and north pole.
    2. South and east pole.
    3. East and west pole.
    4. North and west pole.
  5. Two opposite poles of two different magnets________.
    1. Attract each other.
    2. Repel each other.
    3. Do not show any reaction towards each other.
    4. None of the above.
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