As the old age adage goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dumb boy”. It is essential to incorporate games and fun activities with educational exercises. Kids in this day and age go through a rigorous academic schedule from a very young age. It is important to devoid them of their monotonous schedule to make their life easier.
One such game that is fun as well as educational, is a Digraph game. These are phonics game that helps reinforce different graphemes. Download the sheets to start the game.
Diagraph Spelling Game Practice Worksheet
You’ll need a die for this game so make sure you have one. The game is relatively simple. Childer will sit in a group of four and roll the die when it is their turn. They have to find the word that contains the digraph shown on the die on the game board. They’ll then mark the associated word and once someone gets four in a row, they win!
The four in a row rule applies both across and diagonally. The first player to mark lines horizontal, vertical or diagonal wins.
Making the process of learning fun is one of the best ways to ensure learning. Children by nature tend to seek pleasure in games. Introducing such games contribute to a better understanding of things at hand and helps pique their interest. Download and print these to introduce your kids to a new way of learning.