Hey there viewers! We bring to you this colorful watercolor painting for you to share with your children and teach them the art of painting with watercolor. Coloring with watercolor is fun. It is different from coloring with crayons and pencils as it requires a deft hand. One must know how much color he needs to use, how to blend the different colors together and how much force he needs to apply using the brush. The final results achieved from using watercolors are often mesmerizing and appeal more than the others.

Solar System Color Practice Worksheet

Thus, we bring to you these solar system-themed painting sheets for you to use to instruct your students on how to paint using watercolors. There are several different sheets each of which contains an image of different planets, satellites, space shuttles, or any other celestial objects or space-related things. Given on the bottom left side of each page is an image that should be used for reference while coloring the sheets.

Since we assume you’ll use these in classrooms to hone your student’s artistic abilities, on the top of each page we have provided space for them to write their name, teacher’s name, section, and the date.

Solar System Display Painting Pages WorksheetThe first sheet in this workbook is of Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Since it doesn’t have a solid surface and is covered with cloud stripes, it is known as a gas giant.

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

On the second sheet, students would color the picture of Saturn.  Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and is known for its ring.  A fun fact about Saturn is that it is mostly made up of gas.

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

The next picture is that of Venus. Do you know that Venus is remarkably different from other planets in our solar system as, unlike other planets, Venus spins clockwise on its axis?

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

In this sheet, children have to paint the image of Mars. Perhaps one of the most interesting planets of all, Mars has garnered attention from scientists and space explorers alike pursuing the suspicion of another lifeform.

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Here, children have to color the picture of Mercury. Ask them to use the reference image to color properly.

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Uranus is the next planet they’ll color.

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Next up is Neptune. It is the last planet in our solar system.

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

In this sheet, students would color the picture of our home planet; Earth.

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Next is the picture of the sun. Did you know that the sun is a star?

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

There are several different images in the worksheet for students to get enough practice to hone their coloring skills. The next sheets in the workbook are of the moon, a rocket, an astronaut, a star, comet, ufo, and a satellite.

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Solar System Display Painting Pages Worksheet

Download the sheets and get started now. Visit our website for more coloring workbooks and exercises!