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What is a shooting star?



What exactly is a shooting star?

Fun Facts:

  1. The temperature of a shooting star is about 3,000 Fahrenheit.
  2. One can witness a shooting star best at night-time. However, they can occur at any time during the whole day.
  3. Different shooting stars emit different light due to the difference in their material and origin.

Additional Question:

  1. What is a meteorite?
  2. What are stars?
  3. Enlist the differences between meteor and meteorite.

True or False:

  1. Shooting stars are the same as stars.
  2. Shooting stars are also called fireballs.
  3. The meteor is not related to a shooting star.
  4. Shooting star does not give away any light while moving in the earth’s atmosphere.
  5. Fireballs are the least glowing shooting star.

Objective Quiz:

  1. A shooting star can be said as _______ that burns up in the earth’s atmosphere while moving at a fast speed.
    1. A small metal or dust meteor
    2. Large metal or dust meteor
    3. metal meteor
    4. dust meteor
  2. __________ is the most glowing shooting star.
    1. Fireball.
    2. Iceball.
    3. Hot ball.
    4. None of the above.
  3. Shooting star has the same appearance as  ______.
    1. Star.
    2. Moon.
    3. Earth.
    4. Satellite.
  4. Shooting stars are nothing, but _________ that burns up in earth’s environment.
    1. Meteorite.
    2. Meteor.
    3. Sun.
    4. Moon.
  5. The meteor that hits the earth’s surface is called a _________.
    1. Meteorite.
    2. Moon.
    3. Satellite.
    4. Meteor.


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