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Ancient India – Beginning of Farming & Herding

This is how they became herders.

Fun fact: The first animal to be tamed was a wild ancestor of dog! Some other earliest domesticated animals are sheep and goat.


Finding Out About the First Farmer & Herder

Permanent Settlement

    1. These tools were polished and given fine cutting.
    2. They were used for grinding grains and other plant produce
    3. Many earthen pots have also been found that were used for cooking food.
    4. Weaving cloth, using a different kind of materials- for eg: cotton, also came into fashion.
Neolithic tools (Source)

Customs & Practices

Scholars believe that many of these farmers and herders lived in tribes.

  1. Members of tribes follow occupations such as hunting, gathering, farming, herding and fishing.
  2. Some men are regarded as leaders.
  3. Tribes have rich and uniques cultural traditions including their language, music, stories, gods and paintings.
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