Q: How many months are there in a year?
(A) 9
(B) 10
(C) 11
(D) 12
Answer: (D) 12
There are 12 months in a year. The 12 months, in order, are:
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Each month has a varying number of days, with February being the shortest month with either 28 or 29 days in leap years. The other months have either 30 or 31 days.
Q: How many days are there in a week?
(A) 9
(B) 8
(C) 7
(D) 6
Answer: (C) 7
In a week, there are 7 days. The days are like little parts of time that help us know what day it is. The days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Each day is special and has its own name. We use the days of the week to plan our activities and know when things will happen.
Q: How many days are there in a year?
(A) 365
(B) 366
(C) 364
(D) 363
Answer: (A) 365
In a year, there are 365 days. A year is like a big circle of time that starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st. Every day, the Earth goes around the Sun, and it takes about 365 days for the Earth to complete one full trip. That’s why we say there are 365 days in a year. But sometimes, after every four years, we add one extra day to the month of February. This is called a leap year, and it has 366 days. So most years have 365 days, but every four years, we have 366 days.
Q: Which number comes after 15?
(A) 14
(B) 17
(C) 13
(D) 16
Answer: (D) 16
The number that comes after 15 is 16. When we count, we start with 1, then 2, then 3, and so on. After we reach 15, the next number is 16. So, if you have 15 candies and you want to know how many you have after getting one more, you would have 16 candies. 16 comes right after 15 in the counting order.
Q: How many colors are there in a rainbow?
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8
Answer: (C) 7
In a rainbow, there are many colors. We usually see seven main colors in a rainbow. These colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. When light from the sun shines through raindrops in the sky, it splits into different colors and forms a beautiful arc called a rainbow. Each color is special and looks pretty in its own way. So, we can say that there are seven colors in a rainbow.
Q: We use our ears to ______.
(A) Eat
(B) Drink
(C) Hear
(D) Breath
Answer: (C) Hear
We use our ears to hear. Our ears are special parts of our body that help us listen to sounds. When someone talks to us, or when we listen to music or the sounds of nature, our ears help us hear all those things. They work like little microphones that catch the sound waves and send them to our brain, so we can understand what we hear. So, we use our ears to hear all the wonderful sounds around us!
Q: Name the day that comes after Tuesday.
(A) Monday
(B) Thursday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Sunday
Answer: (C) Wednesday
The day that comes after Tuesday is Wednesday. We have a special order for the days of the week. First, we have Sunday, then Monday, then Tuesday, and after Tuesday comes Wednesday. Each day has its own name and follows the other days. So, if today is Tuesday then tomorrow will be Wednesday.
Q: How many vowels are there in the English alphabet?
(A) 6
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 7
Answer: (C) 5
In the English alphabet, there are five vowels. The vowels are special letters that make different sounds when we say them. The five vowels are A, E, I, O, and U. These letters help us form many different words and sounds. For example, in the word “cat,” the letter “A” is a vowel. Vowels are important because they help us create different words and make our language interesting and fun to speak. So, remember, there are five vowels in the English alphabet.
Q: A cow has ____ legs.
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 6
Answer: (C) 4
A cow has four legs. Legs are like long sticks that animals use to walk and run. When you look at a cow, you can see that it stands on four legs. Each leg helps the cow move around and stay balanced. Just like we have two legs, cows have four legs to support their big and heavy bodies. So, a cow has four legs!
Q: Which gas do humans need to breathe to live?
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Oxygen
(D) Helium
Answer: (C) Oxygen
Humans need to breathe in a gas called oxygen to live. Oxygen is a special gas that is present in the air around us. When we breathe in, our lungs take in the oxygen from the air and send it to our body. Oxygen helps our body do many important things, like giving us energy and keeping us alive. So, remember, humans need to breathe in oxygen to live and stay healthy.
Q: Which month comes after October?
(A) October
(B) September
(C) November
(D) January
Answer: (C) November
The month that comes after October is November. After we finish celebrating Halloween and the leaves start falling from the trees, we move into the month of November. It’s a special month because we celebrate holidays like Thanksgiving. So, after October, we get ready for November.
Q: How many zeroes are there in one thousand?
(A) Three
(B) Two
(C) Six
(D) Five
Answer: (A) Three
In the number one thousand, there are three zeroes. When we write the number “1000,” we put a zero after the number one and another zero after that. So, if we count them, we have one, two, three zeroes in one thousand. It’s a big number with lots of zeroes.
Q: How many hands do you have?
(A) 1
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 2
Answer: (D) 2
You have two hands, Look at your own hands. You have one hand on the right side of your body and another hand on the left side. So, you have a total of two hands. Your hands are very special because they help you do many things like picking up toys, writing, and giving high fives.
Q: We chew food using our ____________.
(A) Eyes
(B) Teeth
(C) Nose
(D) Ears
Answer: (B) Teeth
We chew food using our teeth. Our teeth are strong and help us break down the food into smaller pieces so that we can swallow it easily. When we take a bite of something, our teeth work together to grind and crush the food. It’s important to take care of our teeth by brushing them regularly and eating healthy foods to keep them strong.
Q: Which sense organ do you use to smell?
(A) Eyes
(B) Ears
(C) Nose
(D) Skin
Answer: (C) Nose
We use our nose to smell things. The nose is our sense organ for smelling. It’s the part in the middle of our face, right above our mouth. When we want to smell something, we take a nice big sniff through our nose. Our nose can detect different smells like flowers, food, or even cookies baking in the oven. Smelling helps us enjoy and identify different things around us. So, next time you come across a nice smell, take a deep breath through your nose and enjoy it.
Q: Which part of the plant is brown and below the ground?
(A) Flowers
(B) Stems
(C) Leaves
(D) Roots
Answer: (D) Roots
The part of the plant that is brown and below the ground is called the root. Just like how our feet are below the ground when we stand, the roots of a plant are also hidden under the soil. The roots have a special job to do. They drink water from the soil and take in important nutrients. Roots help the plant stay strong and keep it from falling over. So, even though we can’t see them, roots are an important part of a plant’s body.
Q: Which part of a plant has seeds?
(A) Leaf
(B) Fruit
(C) Stem
(D) Trunk
Answer: (B) Fruit
The part of a plant that has seeds is called the fruit. Just like we eat fruits like apples and oranges, plants also have fruits that contain seeds. Some fruits are big and juicy, like watermelons and strawberries, while others are small, like peas and tomatoes. When we eat the fruit, we need to be careful not to eat the seeds if they’re not meant to be eaten. The seeds inside the fruit are very important because they can grow into new plants if we plant them in the soil.
Q: Which part of a plant soaks up nutrients and water from the soil?
(A) Stem
(B) Root
(C) Fruit
(D) Flower
Answer: (B) Root
The roots of a plant soak up nutrients and water from the soil.
Q: Which bird has a far sight and turns its head all the way round?
(A) Owl
(B) Eagle
(C) Parrot
(D) Peacock
Answer: (A) Owl
The bird that has really good eyesight and can turn its head all the way around is called an owl. Owls have big eyes and can see things far away, and they can also turn their heads almost all the way around to look behind them. Isn’t that amazing?
Q: Which animal eats mice?
(A) Dog
(B) Cow
(C) Cat
(D) Goat
Answer: (C) Cat
The animal that eats mice is called a cat. Cats are very good hunters and they like to catch mice and eat them. They have sharp teeth and claws that help them catch and eat the mice. Cats are known for being good mouse catchers!
Q: Which animal wags its tail and lives in a kennel?
(A) Cat
(B) Dog
(C) Sheep
(D) Buffalo
Answer: (B) Dog
The animal that wags its tail and lives in a kennel is a dog. Dogs are furry and friendly animals that like to wag their tails when they are happy or excited. They live in a special house called a kennel, which is like a cozy little home just for them. Dogs make great companions and love to play and be with people.
Q: Which animal has a long nose known as a trunk?
(A) Elephant
(B) Lion
(C) Tiger
(D) Zebra
Answer: (A) Elephant
The animal that has a long nose known as a trunk is an elephant. Elephants are big and gentle creatures that live in places like forests and grasslands. Their trunks are very special because they can use them to do lots of things like drink water, grab food, and even give each other gentle hugs. The trunk of an elephant is like a special tool that helps them with many tasks. It’s really amazing!
Q: Which animal likes honey?
(A) Dog
(B) Cow
(C) Lion
(D) Bear
Answer: (D) Bear
The animal that likes honey is a bear. Bears are big and furry animals that live in forests. They have a sweet tooth and love to eat honey. They use their strong paws to open beehives and get to the delicious honey inside. Bears really enjoy the taste of honey and it’s one of their favorite treats!
Q: Name a cunning animal.
(A) Fox
(B) Panda
(C) Goat
(D) Cow
Answer: (A) Fox
A cunning animal is a fox. Foxes are clever and smart creatures that live in forests and sometimes even in cities. They have bushy tails and pointy ears. Foxes are known for their cleverness and ability to find food and hide from other animals. They use their intelligence to survive in the wild. So, if you’re looking for a cunning animal, think of a fox!
Q: Which animal has a long neck?
(A) Elephant
(B) Giraffe
(C) Lion
(D) Goat
Answer: (B) Giraffe
The animal that has a long neck is a giraffe. Giraffes are tall and have a really long neck that helps them reach leaves and fruits high up in the trees. They are the tallest animals in the world! With their long necks, giraffes can eat leaves from the tops of trees that other animals can’t reach. It’s pretty amazing to see a giraffe stretching its neck to get its yummy food!
Q: Which animal has black and white stripes on its body?
(A) Zebra
(B) Sheep
(C) Goat
(D) Lion
Answer: (A) Zebra
The animal that has black and white stripes on its body is a zebra. Zebras are beautiful animals that live in Africa. Their bodies are covered in stripes, just like a pattern of black and white lines. These stripes help zebras blend in with the grass and bushes around them, which makes it harder for predators to see them. Each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes, just like our own unique fingerprints. Zebras are really special and their stripes make them stand out in the animal kingdom!
Q: Which animal gives us wool?
(A) Fox
(B) Giraffe
(C) Sheep
(D) Elephant
Answer: (C) Sheep
The animal that gives us wool is a sheep. Sheep are fluffy animals that live on farms. They have a thick coat of wool that keeps them warm. People take care of sheep and when their wool grows long, it can be cut off to make things like sweaters, blankets, and hats. Wool is very soft and cozy, and it helps us stay warm during cold weather. So, we have sheep to thank for the wool that keeps us snug and comfortable!
Q: February has _____ days in a leap year.
(A) 25
(B) 31
(C) 30
(D) 29
Answer: (D) 29
February has 29 days in a leap year.
Q: Which is the largest river island in Asia?
(A) Bhavani Island (Vijayawada)
(B) Majuli Island (Assam)
(C) Manpura Island (Bangladesh)
(D) Chongming Island (China)
Answer: (B) Majuli Island (Assam)
The largest river island in Asia is called Majuli. It is located in the Brahmaputra River in the Indian state of Assam.
Q: Which shape has three sides?
(A) Triangle
(B) Square
(C) Rectangle
(D) Circle
Answer: (A) Triangle
A triangle is a shape that has three sides.
Q: How many weeks are there in a year?
(A) 52 Weeks
(B) 50 Weeks
(C) 55 Weeks
(D) 60 Weeks
Answer: (A) 52 Weeks
There are 52 weeks in a year.
Q: There are ____ months in a year.
(A) 15
(B) 13
(C) 12
(D) 14
Answer: (C) 12
There are 12 months in a year.
Q: Name the shape with five sides?
(A) Pentagon
(B) Circle
(C) Triangle
(D) Square
Answer: (A) Pentagon
The shape with five sides is called a pentagon.
Q: The home of a pig is called ______.
(A) Burrow
(B) Barn
(C) Stable
(D) Sty
Answer: (D) Sty
The home of a pig is called a sty.
Q: Name the largest island in the world.
(A) Iceland
(B) Baffin Island
(C) Greenland
(D) Victoria Island
Answer: (C) Greenland
The largest island in the world is Greenland. It is located in the North Atlantic Ocean between Canada and Iceland. Greenland has an area of over 2.1 million square kilometers, making it the largest island in the world.
Q: Which is the largest mammal on Earth?
(A) Polar Bear
(B) Cow
(C) Blue Whale
(D) Elephant
Answer: (C) Blue Whale
The largest mammal on Earth is the blue whale. It can grow to be up to 30 meters (98 feet) long and weigh up to 180 metric tons (nearly 200 tons).
Q: What is the name of the story where Ella leaves her glass slipper while attending the royal ball?
(A) Cinderella
(B) Barbie
(C) Snow White
(D) Beauty and the Beast
Answer: (A) Cinderella
In the story of “Cinderella”, Ella leaves her glass slipper while attending the royal ball.
Q: Which fairy tale character meets seven dwarfs in a cottage?
(A) Dopey
(B) Evil Queen
(C) Sneezy
(D) Snow White
Answer: (D) Snow White
The fairy tale character who meets seven dwarfs in a cottage is Snow White. Snow White is a princess who is very kind and beautiful. The seven dwarfs are her friends who help her when she is in trouble.
Q: Name the fairy tale character with long golden hair trapped in a tower.
(A) Flynn Rider
(B) Rapunzel
(C) Gothel
(D) Nasone
Answer: (B) Rapunzel
The fairy tale character with long golden hair trapped in a tower is Rapunzel.
Q: Name the fairy tale character, who is a poor thief and has a magic lamp.
(A) Abu
(B) Jafar
(C) Jasmine
(D) Aladdin
Answer: (D) Aladdin
The fairy tale character is Aladdin. He is a poor thief who finds a magical lamp that grants him three wishes.
Q: Which fairy tale character meets a Big Bad Wolf while going to visit her grandmother in the woods?
(A) Wolf
(B) Little Red Riding Hood
(C) Grandmother
(D) Woodsman
Answer: (B) Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood meets a Big Bad Wolf while she is going to visit her grandmother in the woods.
Q: Name the story in which a young girl falls through a rabbit hole, goes to a fantasy world, and meets many strange characters.
(A) Cinderella
(B) Beauty and the Beast
(C) Frozen
(D) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Answer: (D) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
The story is called Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
Q: Name the shape with seven sides.
(A) Pentagon
(B) Octagon
(C) Heptagon
(D) Hexagon
Answer: (C) Heptagon
The shape with seven sides is called a heptagon.
Q: Planet Earth is shaped like a __________.
(A) Sphere
(B) Cube
(C) Cone
(D) Prism
Answer: (A) Sphere
Planet Earth is shaped like a sphere.
Q: A shape with six sides is called ________.
(A) Pentagon
(B) Hexagon
(C) Octagon
(D) Nonagon
Answer: (B) Hexagon
A shape with six sides is called a hexagon.
Q: A shape with ten sides is called ________.
(A) Heptagon
(B) Octagon
(C) Pentagon
(D) Decagon
Answer: (D) Decagon
A shape with ten sides is called a decagon.
Q: How many sides does an octagon have?
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 7
(D) 9
Answer: (A) 8
An octagon has eight sides.
Q: What is the color of human blood?
(A) Green
(B) Blue
(C) Red
(D) White
Answer: (C) Red
Human blood is usually a bright red color.
Q: Which color symbolizes peace?
(A) White
(B) Blue
(C) Pink
(D) Black
Answer: (A) White
The color that symbolizes peace is usually white.
Q: In which season do we wear cotton clothes?
(A) Winter
(B) Rainy
(C) Autumn
(D) Summer
Answer: (D) Summer
We usually wear cotton clothes in the summer season because they are light and breathable and help keep us cool.
Q: The color of cow’s milk is ________.
(A) Black
(B) White
(C) Red
(D) Pink
Answer: (B) White
The color of cow’s milk is usually a shade of white or cream.
Q: What comes after 35?
(A) 33
(B) 30
(C) 39
(D) 36
Answer: (D) 36
The number that comes after 35 is 36.
Q: The tusks of elephants are made of ______.
(A) Ivory
(B) Bone
(C) Metal
(D) Wood
Answer: (A) Ivory
The tusks of elephants are made of ivory, which is a type of hard, white material.
Q: Kangaroos have _____ to carry their young ones.
(A) Fins
(B) Wings
(C) Pouches
(D) Shells
Answer: (C) Pouches
Kangaroos have pouches to carry their young ones.
Q: Cheese is made from _______.
(A) Water
(B) Milk
(C) Cold Drink
(D) Juice
Answer: (B) Milk
Cheese is made from milk. Milk is a white liquid that is found in the bodies of mammals, like cows, goats, and sheep. The milk is heated and curds form. The curds are then separated from the whey, which is a liquid byproduct. Finally, the curds are cut, heated, and pressed to form cheese.
Q: The taste of sugar is _______.
(A) Sweet
(B) Bitter
(C) Salty
(D) Sour
Answer: (A) Sweet
The taste of sugar is sweet.
Q: Taste of tamarind is _______.
(A) Bitter
(B) Salty
(C) Sweet
(D) Sour
Answer: (D) Sour
The taste of tamarind is sour and slightly sour.
Q: We wear a watch on our _______.
(A) Arm
(B) Leg
(C) Wrist
(D) Finger
Answer: (C) Wrist
We wear a watch on our wrist.
Q: What is 10+4?
(A) 14
(B) 15
(C) 11
(D) 13
Answer: (A) 14
When we add 10 and 4 together, we get a new number. Let’s count together. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Now let’s add 4 more. 11, 12, 13, 14. So when we add 10 and 4 together, we get the number 14.
Q: A goat has ______ legs.
(A) 5
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 4
Answer: (D) 4
A goat has four legs.
Q: Earth has ____ natural satellite(s).
(A) 2
(B) 1
(C) 4
(D) 0
Answer: (B) 1
The Earth has one natural satellite, and it’s called the Moon. It’s a special friend that orbits around our planet and does lots of cool things.
Q: The leaves of a tree fall during which season?
(A) Monsoon
(B) Summer
(C) Winter
(D) Autumn
Answer: (D) Autumn
The leaves of a tree fall during the season called autumn. This is the time when the weather starts to get cooler and the days become shorter. The leaves on the trees change color and eventually fall off. It’s like the tree is getting ready for winter. So when you see leaves falling from the trees, you know that it’s autumn.
Q: A person who goes to space is called an ________.
(A) Pilot
(B) Aviator
(C) Astronaut
(D) Explorer
Answer: (C) Astronaut
A person who goes to space is called an astronaut. Astronauts are very special people who have the amazing job of exploring and studying things in space. They travel in special spaceships called rockets to reach space. Astronauts wear special suits to protect them and help them breathe in space. They get to see the Earth from way up high and learn many new things about space.
Q: A young frog is called a _______.
(A) Tadpole
(B) Froglet
(C) Frog Egg
(D) Frog
Answer: (A) Tadpole
A young frog is called a tadpole. When a frog is born, it starts its life as a tadpole. Tadpoles look very different from adult frogs. They have long tails and they live in water. As they grow, their bodies change and they develop legs. Eventually, the tadpole’s tail disappears and it becomes a full-grown frog.
Q: Which color of the traffic light indicates “wait”?
(A) Yellow
(B) Red
(C) Green
(D) White
Answer: (A) Yellow
The color of the traffic light that indicates “wait” is yellow. When you see a yellow light, it means you should be ready to stop. It’s like a warning that the light is about to turn red. When you see a yellow light, remember to wait and be prepared to stop.
Q: Which is the first letter of the English alphabet?
(A) B
(B) A
(C) D
(D) E
Answer: (B) A
The first letter of the English alphabet is ‘A’.
Q: Whom do we call to put out fire?
(A) Fireman
(B) Policeman
(C) Doctor
(D) Postman
Answer: (A) Fireman
We call firemen to put out fires. Firemen are specially trained people who use special equipment to put fires out and keep us safe.
Q: Name the vehicle used by firemen.
(A) Fire truck
(B) Fire ladder
(C) Fire Ambulance
(D) Fire engine
Answer: (D) Fire engine
Firemen use a special type of vehicle called a fire engine. Fire engines are big, red vehicles with lots of equipment used to put out fires.
Q: Orange is a source of which vitamin?
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin C
(C) Vitamin D
(D) Vitamin E
Answer: (B) Vitamin C
Orange is a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps keep your body healthy and strong.
Q: Humans have _____ toes.
(A) 12
(B) 8
(C) 5
(D) 10
Answer: (D) 10
Humans have ten toes.
Q: A hen lives in a _____.
(A) Coop
(B) Stable
(C) Sty
(D) Kennel
Answer: (A) Coop
A hen lives in a coop.
Q: Your father’s brother is your _________.
(A) Uncle
(B) Brother
(C) Father
(D) Cousin
Answer: (A) Uncle
Your father’s brother is your uncle.
Q: Which insect makes a web?
(A) Beetle
(B) Ant
(C) Spider
(D) Bee
Answer: (C) Spider
Spiders make webs. Spiders use their silk to make webs that are sticky and help them catch their food.
Q: Which magic word do you use while asking for something?
(A) Sorry
(B) Please
(C) Hello
(D) Thank you
Answer: (B) Please
The magic word you should use when asking for something is “please”.
Q: Which magic word do you use when someone helps you?
(A) Thank you
(B) Sorry
(C) Please
(D) Welcome
Answer: (A) Thank you
The magic word you should say when someone helps you is “Thank you”. This is a polite way of showing your appreciation for their help.
Q: Which of these is a green-colored vegetable?
(A) Potato
(B) Tomato
(C) Pea
(D) Cauliflower
Answer: (C) Pea
A green-colored vegetable is Pea.
Q: What is the Color of the Leaves?
(A) Red
(B) Green
(C) Blue
(D) Yellow
Answer: (B) Green
The leaves on the trees are green. Green is a special color that makes the leaves look healthy and happy.
Q: Identify the Tree

(A) Coconut Tree
(B) Banyan Tree
(C) Mango Tree
(D) Peepal Tree
Answer: (A) Coconut Tree
The tree shown in the above image is Coconut Tree.
Q: Who is the king of the jungle?
(A) Tiger
(B) Lion
(C) Deer
(D) Elephant
Answer: (B) Lion
The king of the jungle is the lion. Lions are big cats that have thick yellow-brown fur and a big mane around their head. They live in groups called ‘prides’ and use their loud roar to protect their territory.
Q: Which part of your body do you use to see?
(A) Ear
(B) Nose
(C) Tongue
(D) Eyes
Answer: (D) Eyes
We use our eyes to see. Our eyes are part of our body and they help us to see the world around us.
Q: How many fingers are there in your hands?
(A) Five
(B) Six
(C) Seven
(D) Ten
Answer: (D) Ten
There are 10 fingers on your hands. You have 5 fingers on each hand.
Q: Which of the following animals give us milk?
(A) Cow
(B) Dog
(C) Cat
(D) Monkey
Answer: (A) Cow
The animal that gives us milk is called a cow. Cows produce milk which we use to make many different kinds of foods.
Q: What is the color of sunflowers?
(A) White
(B) Yellow
(C) Blue
(D) Green
Answer: (B) Yellow
Sunflowers are usually a bright yellow color.
Q: Which animal is known as “Ship of Desert”?
(A) Donkey
(B) Horse
(C) Elephant
(D) Camel
Answer: (D) Camel
The animal known as the “Ship of Desert” is the camel. Camels are large animals with long legs, long necks, and humps on their backs. They are famous for being able to travel long distances across the desert with very little water.
Q: How many legs do you have?
(A) Two
(B) One
(C) Three
(D) Four
Answer: (A) Two
We have two legs.
Q: Which animal guards our house?
(A) Dog
(B) Cat
(C) Monkey
(D) Cow
Answer: (A) Dog
Some people have special animals called guard dogs that help them protect their houses. Guard dogs are trained to bark and alert their owners if someone is coming near their house.
Q: Identify the bird

(A) Hen
(B) Parrot
(C) Owl
(D) Peacock
Answer: (D) Peacock
The bird in the above image is a peacock. The peacock is the national bird of India.
Q: How many wheels does a cycle have?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
Answer: (B) Two
A cycle has two wheels.
Q: Name the four main directions.
(D) North, East, West, and South
Answer: (D) North, East, West, and South
The four main directions are North, East, West, and South.
Q: What food does a cow eat?
(A) Flower
(B) Grass
(C) Rock
(D) Tree
Answer: (B) Grass
A cow eats grass. They also eat grains like corn and oats.
Q: Which number comes after 10?
(A) 9
(B) 12
(C) 11
(D) 15
Answer: (C) 11
The number that comes after 10 is 11.
Q: Which means of transport do you use in water?
(A) Ship
(B) Car
(C) Plane
(D) Truck
Answer: (A) Ship
In water, we use boats and ships to get around.
Q: How many alphabets are there in the English language?
(A) 25
(B) 20
(C) 26
(D) 30
Answer: (C) 26
There are 26 alphabets in the English language.
Q: Where do you go when you are sick?
(A) Police station
(B) Hospital
(C) Office
(D) School
Answer: (B) Hospital
When you are sick, it’s important to go to the hospital to get the care you need.
Q: A person who teaches us is known as___________?
(A) Policeman
(B) Principal
(C) Doctor
(D) Teacher
Answer: (D) Teacher
A person who teaches us is known as a teacher.
Q: Name the vowels in English.
(A) A, E, I, O, U
(B) B, C, D, F, S
(C) Z, R, T, N, F
(D) G, P, L, M, X
Answer: (A) A, E, I, O, U
The vowels in English are A, E, I, O, and U.
Q: How many sense organs do we have?
(A) Four
(B) Three
(C) Five
(D) Six
Answer: (C) Five
We have five sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. These organs help us to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the world around us.
Q: What is the color of the sky?
(A) Black
(B) Green
(C) Yellow
(D) Blue
Answer: (D) Blue
The color of the sky is usually blue.
Q: What sound does a dog make?
(A) Meow-Meow
(B) Mehh-Mehh
(C) Bow-Bow
(D) Hiss-Hiss
Answer: (C) Bow-Bow
A dog usually makes the sound “Bow-Bow”.
Q: Which is the national sport of India?
(A) Hockey
(B) Cricket
(C) Badminton
(D) Tennis
Answer: (A) Hockey
The national sport of India is hockey.
Q: How many legs does a cow have?
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 2
(D) 4
Answer: (D) 4
A cow has four legs.
Q: In which season do we wear a sweater?
(A) Monsoon
(B) Winter
(C) Summer
(D) Spring
Answer: (B) Winter
We usually wear sweaters in the colder months of the year, like winter.
Q: On which date, do we celebrate Independence Day in India?
(A) 15th June
(B) 10th September
(C) 18th October
(D) 15th August
Answer: (D) 15th August
In India, we celebrate Independence Day on August 15th.
Q: Who was the first prime minister of India?
(A) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Narendra Modi
(C) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: (A) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
The first prime minister of India was Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru in 1947.
Q: How many minutes does an hour have?
(A) 50 min.
(B) 60 min.
(C) 30 min.
(D) 40 min.
Answer: (B) 60 min.
An hour has 60 minutes.
Q: Which planet is closest to the Sun?
(A) Earth
(B) Mercury
(C) Venus
(D) Saturn
Answer: (B) Mercury
The planet closest to the Sun is Mercury. It is the smallest planet in our Solar System and it is very hot because it is so close to the Sun.
Q: Which is the largest country in the world by area?
(A) Russia
(B) China
(C) India
(D) America
Answer: (A) Russia
The biggest country in the world is Russia.
Q: Which is the smallest state in India?
(A) Delhi
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Goa
(D) Rajasthan
Answer: (C) Goa
The smallest state in India is Goa. It is located on the western coast of India and is known for its beautiful beaches and delicious seafood.
Q: What is the capital of India?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Chennai
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Delhi
Answer: (D) Delhi
The capital of India is New Delhi. New Delhi is the biggest city in India and is where the government of India is located.
Q: How many wheels does a car have?
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 4
(D) 2
Answer: (C) 4
A car usually has four wheels.
Q: What comes after Monday?
(A) Wednesday
(B) Friday
(C) Sunday
(D) Tuesday
Answer: (D) Tuesday
The day after Monday is Tuesday.