These are some count and write free printable worksheets for kindergarten that will help your kid in building their counting skills.

Kids in kindergarten tend to be curious and since their mind develops at that stage of life, it is our duty to help them from our side which is why in this article we have brought you a compilation of worksheets that will help your kids in learning the counting skills. It will also help them in improving their writing skills. So, let’s get started.

Count and Write Worksheets for Kindergarten

1. Counting birds

Counting birds - Count and Write Free Printable Worksheets for Kindergarten

The very first count and write worksheet is that of birds. Teach your kid about this beautiful creature of nature by providing them with this worksheet where they can perform the count and write activity.

2. Counting all types of animals

Counting all types of animals

The follow up worksheet has some cows, lions, tortoises and crabs in the worksheet that your kid has to count and write. This worksheet is easy so even if your kid is a beginner, he will be able to finish this worksheet.

3. Counting flowers

Counting flowers - Count and Write Free Printable Worksheets for Kindergarten

The next in line for count and write worksheet is that of flowers. You can teach your kid about all the given flowers while they finish doing the worksheet.

4. Counting garments

Counting garments

The next worksheet in the count and write is of garments. Here your kid needs to count all the shirts, pants, caps and dresses and write them in the worksheet. Any kid who is 9 year old and above can do this.

5. Counting sunny hat, men, house and car

Counting sunny hat, men, house and car - Count and Write Free Printable Worksheets for Kindergarten

In the next count and write worksheet, there are sunny hats, men, houses and cars that your kid needs to count and write. The numbers are small in number so your kid shall be able to do this.

6. Counting some fruits, plant holders and other tools

Counting some fruits, plant holders and other tools

This count and write worksheet is a mix of everything. So, it is your duty to make sure that your kid understands every given picture before he proceeds with the worksheet.

7. Counting cats, balls, airplanes and dogs

Counting cats, balls, airplanes and dogs -Count and Write Free Printable Worksheets for Kindergarten

Here are some friendly animals along with balls and airplanes for the worksheet. You can have your kid do this and the best part is that this is an easy worksheet that anyone who is 7 year old and above can do this.

8. Counting vegetables

Counting vegetables

This is a count and writes worksheet of vegetables. By the help of this worksheet you can not only teach your kid about counting but you can also teach about vegetables and their benefits.

9. Counting dish, spoons, glass of water and bottle

Counting dish, spoons, glass of water and bottle

The next worksheet has some kitchen’s tools that your kid has to count and then write them down. Since your kid often comes to the kitchen, you can help him learn more about the tools with the help of this worksheet by handing them this count and writing a workshee

10. Counting solar system and its members

Counting solar system and its members - Count and Write Free Printable Worksheets for Kindergarten

The last count and write worksheet is that of the solar system and its members. In the worksheet there is sun, moon, Jupiter along with earth. You can use this worksheet to teach your kid about the solar system whilethey indulge themselves in some counting activity.

These are all the counting and writing numbers that you can teach the kids in kindergarten. This is a fun activity so you don’t need to worry about them getting bored because they will now. Now that you have all the essential worksheets that you need, you are all set to teach your kid about counting.