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Do bears eat honey?



Has anyone of you seen the Jungle Book movie? Have you seen bears eating honey in that movie? Or have you ever heard about a bear eating honey? Is it possible? Let us get to know that here.

Fun Facts:

  1. Bears are known to have excellent sense of smell, sight and hearing.
  2. Bears can climb up, ride the tops down, get off and then climb again just for fun.
  3. Bear skulls have different anatomy to just adapt for different kind of foods they can eat.

Related Questions:

  1. In what kind of climate a bear can live?
  2. What are some famously known species of bear?
  3. How does a bear help in human daily life?

True or False:

  1. Bears belong to the mammal group.
  2. Bears belong to the reptile group.
  3. Bears belong to the phylum Annelida.
  4. Bears belong to the infraorder of Arctoidea.
  5. Bears do not eat honey.

Objective Quiz:

  1. Bears belong to the _________ group.
    1. Mammalian.
    2. Reptile.
    3. Both 1) and 2).
    4. None of the above.
  2. Bears have _______ tails.
    1. Short.
    2. Long.
    3. Intermediate.
    4. All of the above.
  3. Bears have _______ non-retractile claws.
    1. One.
    2. Three.
    3. Five.
    4. Seven.
  4. Bears have ________ ears.
    1. Small rounded.
    2. Small rectangular.
    3. Large rounded.
    4. Large rectangular.
  5. Bear loves to eat ________.
    1. Honey.
    2. Sugar.
    3. Lemon.
    4. All of the above.
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