- Addition is the process of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts.
- It is the basic of all mathematics.
- Brahmagupta discovered addition along with subtraction, multiplication and division.
- The plus sign ‘ + ‘ is used to denote an addition. Example : 2+2
- The answer to addition is called the Sum. Example : 2+2= 4
- Addition of small numbers can be done with the help of our fingers too.
- Adding zero ‘0’ to any number gives the sum as the number itself.
- It doesn’t matter in which order we add a group of numbers together as the answer will always be the same. Example: 1+2+3+4 gives the same answer (10) as 4+3+1+2.
Multi-digit Addition Math Foundational Worksheets
How to explain addition to a child?
- We can use addition in our everyday situation.
- When travelling we can add up the distance. Example: 5 (km)+ 6(km)= 11 (km)
- We can use addition in counting money.
- We can make our kid add random things like how many apples are there in the kitchen or what is the total number of apples and bananas in total.
- Break the mode of teaching. For example: Before teaching a child how to do addition make them learn numbers up to 30 , and when they have a proper command on that then give them numbers to add up to 30.
- When they start to do good in addition, increase the learning number up to 50 or 70.
- Teach your child the concept of Place- value. For example: make them understand that 17 is the same as 10+7.
- We should avoid using tricks as more tricks will lead to more confusion.
- Remember that visual learning is more effective.
- Use as much colours you want as kids love the colour play.
- We should also avoid doing the addition in our head as a kid because as a kid you should learn and practice the exact method.
- We can randomly pick up any number and can ask the kid to answer it. It will help the parents and the teachers to know that the kid is not mugging up the homework and instead is trying their best to learn the Addition problems method.
- If a kid takes less than five seconds he/she has mastered the Addition method.
- There are many board games available for the children in the market which will make them learn also and at the same time they will be having fun too.
Addition with Regrouping Strategies
- Students should know the concept of Place- value as stated earlier.
- Once a kid mastered the single- digit addition it’s now turn of making them learn about 2 or 3 digit addition or multi digit addition.
- Before trying them to learn on their notebook, bring some board games where you can teach them multi-digit addition.
- Basically a cubical board game will work.
- Don’t let the kid to do the maths at their minds before getting mastered to it. Tell them to speak up every digit they are thinking to add up.
- Do the sum of multi-digit addition one by one . For example if given a sum of 235+64 to add then, add 5 and 4 first, then go to the second number. This way you will find it easier to learn
Practice as much as you can to make your addition skills better.
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