In the abstract science of number and quantity – mathematics, addition is one of the four basic operations. The addition of two numbers results in the sum of those values combined. The addition is usually signified by the “+” symbol, hence the sum of two numbers ‘a’ and ‘b’ would be represented as a+b.

The addition is one of the most fundamental concepts of mathematics. 1+1 is 2. This is the very first addition that we learn. It is a concept that is not only important in mathematics but is essential for a basic understanding of our life. Take for instance a person who goes to a grocery shop to buy some groceries. He’ll then have to use addition to calculate the price he has to pay for the things he bought.

The worksheet allows for practicing the addition of whole numbers. It is meant for beginners who are just getting started with it.

Combine Tens & Ones Practice Worksheets

Hence none of the sums in the worksheet use the concept of regrouping since we’ll be adding tens and ones in the following worksheets.

Combine tens & ones worksheets for Grade 1

This is the second sheet. All of the worksheets consist of 12 questions. Allow your students ample time to learn in an easy manner. Leaning is a process and it isn’t complete without making mistakes. Mistakes often result in a better understanding of what is being taught.

Combine tens & ones worksheets for Grade 1

It is a general assumption that mathematics is hard. Many kids fear and hesitate to try solving sums for the fear of making mistakes. It is necessary that they understand that to err is human.  The third sheet allows them to make mistakes and learn from them.

Combine tens & ones worksheets for Grade 1

If you think your student is getting good at doing sums, challenge him by asking him to perform the calculations in a limited amount of time. It will challenge him and allow for better concentration and learning as kids by nature are competitive and keen on learning.

Combine tens & ones worksheets for Grade 1

This is the final sheet of the worksheet. By now your student must have a grasp of the fundamentals of addition. Test his understanding by this worksheet.

Combine tens & ones worksheets for Grade 1

Download and print our worksheet to help your students cope with the increasing pressure of standardized tests in academics by helping them understand the fundamentals of additions of whole numbers.


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