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Why do meerkats stand on their back legs?



Why do Meerkat’s stand on their back legs?

Fun Facts:

  1. Meerkats are immune to venom to such a limit that even if bitten by cobra, they will feel unwell for some time and will go back to normal.
  2. Meerkat’s have a great vision. Eyes is their most developed sense.
  3. Meerkats are known to be the most murderous mammal, who can be killed by their own species.

Related Questions:

  1. In which desired condition, Meerkats are known to live?
  2. Who are mammals?
  3. Who are mongoose?

True or False:

  1. Meerkat belongs to the mongoose group.
  2. Meerkat have zebra like white and black color fur coat.
  3. Meerkat’s have the ability of thermoregulation.
  4. Meerkat’s fore claw is used for eating.
  5. Meerkat like to live alone.

Objective Quiz:

  1. The scientific name of _______ is suricata suricatta.
    1. Meerkat.
    2. Meerkut.
    3. Mongoose.
    4. Goose.
  2. ________ is the ability of mammal’s that allows them to maintain their body temperature irrespective of environmental conditions.
    1. Thermoregulation.
    2. Thermodynamic.
    3. Thermoglutin.
    4. Thermoheat.
  3. Meerkat are known to live in a group of about _________.
    1. Two to Eight People.
    2. Two to Fifteen People.
    3. Two to Thirty People.
    4. Two to Fifty Five People.
  4. Meerkat’s use _______ for mostly digging.
    1. Fore claw.
    2. Back claw.
    3. Left claw.
    4. Right claw.
  5. As compared to other animals, Meerkat are quite good at __________.
    1. Balancing at two legs.
    2. Balancing at three legs.
    3. Balancing at five legs.
    4. Balancing at one leg.
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