Spring Craft Ideas

Spring is one of favourite season of kids. They love to go out and try to create new things. To nurture their creativity and to encourage innovation in one of most entertaining way, we are listing some simple craft ideas and activities.

Orange Egg Decoration

spring activities of kids

spring activities of kids

Cardboard Telescope

A clear spring sky is perfect for making observations. Glue two paper rolls together, add a band, and decorate it the way you wish. Who knows, maybe your children will make new discoveries.

Cute Clay Bunny

Spring Crafts for Kids

Buzzing wih Nature

We’re buzzing with excitement over making this fun bee clothespin craft!

Caterpillar Craft Sticks!

Wrap up craft time with Caterpillar Craft Sticks!

Paper Spring Craft!

More spring related craft! Some paper, pompoms and the cute paper birds.

Spring Themed Twig Tree

It seems so impossible that we’re only 2 weeks from Easter! 🐣 If you’re as ready for spring as I am, I suggest setting the mood with a spring-themed twig tree! 🐣 Twig collection missions provide the perfect opportunity to get outside and enjoy that fresh spring air (plus, free yard cleanup!) 😉

Spring Craft Project

Let’s dance like tree!

Cupcake Buggs

Get totally buggy with cupcake liners and polka dots! 🐞(See first comment for more info)

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