• Water is the most important resource in our world.
  • Water is an inorganic compound.
  • There are 97% of ocean water, 2%of iced water and ONLY 1% of drinking water.
  • The chemical formula of Water is H2O.
  • Water is an odourless  and  nearly colourless chemical substance.
  • Water is also considered as tasteless , although it’s not true. All of you when you taste water apart from your house it tastes different.
  • About two-thirds of earth’s surface is covered with water or 70% of earth’s surface is water.
  • Water regulates the Earth’s temperature.

What do you mean by Saline water?

  • Saline water is the water containing dissolved salts mainly Sodium Chloride.
  • Saline water is not fit for drinking.
  • Ocean contains most of the saline water.
  • Saline water is used in gargling as it prevents inflammation. It also helps in killing weeds.

What do you mean by Ground Water?

  • Water beneath the surface trapped in sediments and rocks is called groundwater.
  • Drinking water is mostly groundwater.

Where do we get Water from?

  • Fresh water makes up only 2.5% of the world’s water.
  • Most lakes, rivers, marshes and swamps contain freshwater.
  • Glaciers also contain a lot of fresh water.

Similarities between Fresh water and Saline water?

  • Both forms of water is found in all the three states – solid, liquid and gas.
  • Both fresh water and saline water have dissolved materials.
  • Body of saline water and fresh water are habitats of many different organisms.

What is Transpiration?

  • Transpiration is the loss of water from the Plants in the form of Water Vapor.
  • Water is absorbed by roots from the soil.
  • Then it is transported as a liquid to the leaves.
  • In the leaves, small pores called stomata allow water to escape as a vapor.

What is Evaporation?

  • Evaporation is a process in which liquid state changes into a gaseous state due to an increase in temperature or an increase in Pressure.

What is Condensation and how is rain formed?

  • Condensation is a process in which gaseous forms turns in liquid form.
  • This happens when the air gets cooler.
  • Water droplets clump together to form a cloud.
  • It so happens that many droplets of water come together to form larger sized drops of water.

What is Precipitation?

  • Precipitation is water that falls in any form like rain, snow from the sky to the earth.

Water Cycle:

  • The water cycle consist of 3 main processes – Evaporation , condensation and Precipitation.

The steps of water cycle are:

  • The water cycle begins with evaporation where the water on the earth surface turns into vapor
  • As water turns into vapor it rises up in the atmosphere and due to high altitudes the water changes into water droplets because of low temperature.
  • The small water droplets come together and form clouds.
  • Now when the air cannot hold any more water , it precipitates that means the water droplets fall down as rain.
  • After raining, some of the water is absorbed by the soil.
  • The roots of the plant absorb the water and it is received by the leaves where it is used for photosynthesis.
  • The extra water is moved out of the leaves through small pores(stomata) as water vapor.

Water Conservation:

  • It is the method by which we can use water efficiently.
  • It helps us to reduce the waste of water.
  • we can stop taking bath from showers , as it consumes a lot of water.
  • If you are washing dishes then close the tap while using the soap.
  • While drinking water , take as much water you need to drink . Don’t take excess water that you will not be able to drink and you have to throw it. If taken excess water you can water plants instead of throwing it.
  • While brushing your teeth , don’t let the tap running.

Rainwater Harvesting:

  • Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rain for later use rather than  allowing it to get  wasted.
  • The frequency, quantity and the quality of the rainfall play a vital role in the amount of water harvested.

The benefits of Rainwater Harvesting are:

  • It costs less.
  • Promotes both water and energy conservation
  • It is easy to operate.
  • It reduces soil erosion, flooding, and pollution of surface water with fertilizers, pesticides etc..
  • It is an excellent source of water for irrigation with no chemicals and free from minerals.

There are also several disadvantages:-

  • Regular maintenance is required.
  • Limited or no rainfall can affect the supply of Rainwater.
  • Storage limits.

Fun Facts about Water:

  • 70% of the human brain consist of water.
  • Two glasses of water are required to produce each page of a book.
  • 80% of all illness in the developing world is water related.
  • A person can live about a month without food, but only about a week without water.
  • Water expands by 9% when it freezes.
  • Too much drinking water is fatal . ( Anything too less or too much can affect your health so an appropriate amount is needed).

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