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Adding Decimals Math Worksheets

Kids are like empty vase waiting to be filled with beautiful flowers of knowledge. At initial stage of learning kids not only learn from books but more than that they learn from their surroundings and the activities they do on regular basis. As adults it is our duty to provide a healthy surrounding for them to learn and provide activities to do on a daily basis so that they don’t loose interest.

Most of the students find maths difficult and confusing. It is important to go slowly but steady. Consistency is important no matter if it is taking more time or less but make sure the current topic is crystal cleared before you move to another because the base of the building should be strong. Start from the easy sums and slowly slowly move to harder and in no time kids will solve the sums on the snap of their finger. Here are some worksheet with easy sums for kids so that they can get the topic easily.

Decimal Adding Practice Worksheets

The first thing taught in mathematics is numbers. There are numbers between the whole fractional numbers which are written after a small dot called decimal. In this worksheets  easy sets of decimal numbers to add are there. This may seem complicated to children but it is very simple. Just write the numbers in a vertical row with the decimals lined up and add the numbers. Whatever  answer you get put the decimal just below the decimals lined up.

Here is the second worksheet and hopefully adding decimals would have become easy till now. In this worksheet same procedure will be followed to solve but the numbers are different for more practice. Ask your kids to make a rough note and do the calculation on it by doing this sum will become more easy and no confusion will be there.

Kids may find some solutions difficult and time taking and this may make them to loose interest. Ask them to move on another question rather than getting stuck on same question and come back to them later. By doing this they won’t loose interest and will also get an idea to solve the previous question which they left by solving others.

Always ask your kids to recite the questions and solutions along with solving because kids usually find it fun and it will help them to stay focused. Basic mathematics is used in our daily life and a complete knowledge of decimal numbers is gonna help a lot in basic calculations and many mathematical topics like fraction which they gonna study in higher classes.

Break the work in parts so that kids don’t feel much pressure and get bored, give some of the worksheets as homework so that they can do some of the sums on their own. By doing this you will get to know their weakness which can be improved. This will also make them responsible towards their studies.

Decimals are important in dealing with fractional questions. Kids often find mathematics little confusing because of the calculations. Ask them to don’t panic and solve each question with a calm mind and always make a rough note for the calculations. This will definitely help them to clear their confusion related to calculations.

Let your kids solve the worksheet and let them know that studies are fun too. Never let them feel bored of studies. Divide their work in different parts that has to be done at different times according to a schedule. By doing this they will not only feel less work pressure but also learn discipline. Don’t be harsh to your kids if they don’t want to don’t understand anything, instead help them to clear their doubts.

Kids are like sponge who observe everything whatever comes on their way so it is our duty to surround them with good things so that they develop a good character. Education can not be gained only by books, our environment and nature teaches us a lot. Let your kids observe their surrounding and learn from everything.

Give them worksheets to solve and practice by which they can understand the logic very easily and in no time.

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