Every parent wants their kid to interact with the other kids in a classroom. A child will only feel confident when they know the concepts taught in class and can understand them fully. In primary classes, children are more conscious about their surroundings than we think they are. At a very young age, it is important to be attentive and careful about the knowledge being transferred to them.

Kids develop the strength to read any word by the primary tone or sound of the word and then move to learn the sound and articulation of the entire word. They start to realize what different alphabets can make words sound like.

The following worksheets represent a variety of popular objects and words that kids of this generation are familiar with. Under each worksheet, few objects are provided – the assignment is to accurately trace the letters in each worksheet and then name the word with that alphabet.

Kids may have difficulty with some words at the beginning which is completely reasonable. A great way would be to help them with the first few worksheets and then leave them with the rest. The primary worksheet describes many well-known pictures such as Ship, Fish, Apple, etc. The task is to make the kid sound the words out loud so that can identify and write down the starting letter.

Trace The Beginning Sound Worksheets



As soon as the first worksheet is over with, we’ve got another worksheet where the kid will learn how to trace the sound of the words beginning with the alphabet “B,b”. This will help them learn new words according to the sounds that make up the word and thereby help them understand how to pronounce correctly.




The third worksheet is for the letter “C,c” and depicts objects like Carrot, Cat, and Cow. Yet another exercise to engage children and help them learn. Just like the previous two worksheets, it’ll help children learn new words and expand their vocabulary.



This worksheet deals with the alphabet “D,d”. The child will start to learn how to pronounce words like Duck, Dolphin, and Dog. It is important to make sure that children keep themselves engaged in the worksheets and not lose their attention.




Worksheet five depicts the letter “E,e”. Here the important thing is, few words are spelt separately from how they’re pronounced as the same letter generates diverse sounds. For example ‘elephant’ begins with the letter ‘E’ but the pronunciation is different for ‘earth’ which also starts with the same letter.




This worksheet includes the letter “F,f” and has words such as ‘Fish’ and ‘frog’ which are quite easy for growing children to pronounce. This becomes easy for the kids to pronounce after finishing the above five worksheets.




This worksheet includes the letter”G,g” and has words such as ‘Gifts’ and ‘Grass’ which allows children to understand the difference between the pronunciations of different words and letters.




This worksheet includes the letter “H,h” and has words such as ‘House’ and ‘Horse’. These are pretty common objects which a kid will understand with quite ease, and the kids will also become aware of their surroundings with the help of such worksheets.



This worksheet includes the letter”I, i” and has words such as ‘Ice cream’ and ‘Iron’. The term Ice-cream will definitely gain their attention and will help them associate what they’re learning with the things they are comfortable and familiar with.




This worksheet includes the letter “J, j” and has words such as ‘Jacket’ and ‘Jet’. These are a little difficult and so a kid needs to learn to pronounce them first.



#Worksheet 11

This worksheet includes the letter “K,k” and has words such as ‘Keys’ and ‘Kites’. Children can easily correlate these words to things they play with and thus are familiar with.




This worksheet includes the letter “L,l” and has words such as ‘Ladder’ and ‘Leaf’. Make sure the kid is pronouncing the words correctly and not overdoing it.




This worksheet includes the letter “M,m” and has words such as ‘Map’ and ‘Moon’. Just like the previous worksheets the kid needs to understand the object first and then pronounce it.




This worksheet includes the letter “N, n” and has words such as ‘Nest’ and ‘News’. Different words help kids understand that there are different meanings to each word. Apart from pronouncing it, the parents need to tell them the difference between the various words.




This worksheet includes the letter “O, o” and has words such as ‘Orange’ and ‘Owl’. The fun and colourful images piques the interest of young, curious minds and motivates them to learn more.




This worksheet includes the letter “P, p” and has words such as ‘Parrot’ and ‘Pig’. Children are fascinated b animals and so this a great way to combine fun and learning.




This worksheet includes the letter “Q, q” and has words such as ‘Quiet’ and ‘Question’. This worksheet is not so easy to pronounce and understand. It is important to assist them with words like this and help them learn the correct pronunciations.



This worksheet includes the letter “R, r” and has words such as ‘Rose’ and ‘Rat’. This worksheet will excite young children as they’ll find a flower and beloved cartoon animals. This will give them a better overall understanding of the sound of the objects.




This worksheet includes the letter “S, s” and has words such as ‘Star’ and ‘Snake’. This worksheet describes a variety of common items and words that children at this age are already familiar with. The goal is to make them pronounce the word correctly and help them if they cannot.




This worksheet depicts the letter “T, t” and has words such as ‘Tomato’ and ‘Tree’. Children may have trouble with certain words which are a bit too difficult to pronounce in their early stages. But, having them practise these worksheets will remove these remaining problems and help them become better readers.




This worksheet includes the letter “U, u” and has words such as ‘Umbrella’ and ‘Unicorn’. A great way to teach the kids is to sound out the words for them very slowly and hold the word after each character. By doing this, they will learn the pronunciations directly from their sounds.




This worksheet includes the letter “V, v” and has words such as ‘Vulture’ and ‘Volcano’. The task here is to recognize the word and then make the kid pronounce them without making a mistake. This will help them break down the word according to the integral sounds and letters and give them a better overall understanding.




This worksheet includes the letter “W, w” and has words such as ‘Window’ and ‘Whale’. These words are unique and different from one another. It is important to make sure that children keep these differences in mind while learning.




This worksheet includes the letter “X, x” and has words such as ‘X-mas tree’ and ‘X-ray’. Sound out the word carefully and then make the child pronounce the word. This way it becomes easy for the kids to pronounce after hearing it first.




This worksheet includes the letter “Y, y” and has words such as ‘Yoga’ and ‘Yak’. These worksheets will help you introduce your children to the letters of the alphabet in a fun and playful manner. It is very important for children to be attentive and focused while learning.




This worksheet includes the letter “Z, z” and has words such as ‘Zebra’. In this final worksheet, the kids will learn about the last alphabet and through repeated training and practise they’ll learn to pronounce many new words



The most reliable way to learn anything is to concentrate on the work at hand while enjoying the process and what better way to do that than with fun worksheets filled with pictures of animals, fruits, and vegetables. Get these worksheets done for the betterment of your kid.
Download your favourite worksheets from Kidpid and get started today!

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