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Why do some animals have scales?

Why do some animals have scales

Scales primarily serve as a form of protection against predators, environmental hazards, and physical injuries.



1. What type of animals are most commonly associated with having scales?

A) Mammals
B) Reptiles
C) Birds
D) Amphibians

Answer: B) Reptiles

Explanation: While several animals have scales, reptiles are most commonly associated with them, as scales are a defining feature of this animal class.

2. Besides protection, what other function can scales serve?

A) Insulation
B) Camouflage
C) Attraction of mates
D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above

Explanation: Scales can serve multiple purposes, including insulation, camouflage, and attracting mates, depending on the species and its environment.

3. How do scales help in camouflage?

A) By reflecting light
B) By changing color
C) By creating patterns
D) By glowing in the dark

Answer: C) By creating patterns

Explanation: Scales can create patterns that help animals blend into their surroundings, making it harder for predators to spot them.

4. Can scales be found on all reptiles?

A) Yes, all reptiles have scales
B) No, only snakes have scales
C) No, only lizards and snakes have scales
D) Not all reptiles have scales

Answer: D) Not all reptiles have scales

Explanation: While scales are common among reptiles, not all species have them, as the presence and type of scales can vary greatly.

5. What one-way scales can help with swimming?

A) By absorbing water
B) By reducing friction
C) By increasing weight
D) By trapping air

Answer: B) By reducing friction

Explanation: For aquatic animals, scales can help reduce friction, allowing them to move more easily through water.


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