The human body is a gift of God, each of its organ functions in a significant way and help us in our day-to-day life.

Today, we will study about eyes. Eyes are the precious gift of God which help us to see the world around us including this lesson which you are reading right now.

We humans are very curious and creative organisms, we have developed several instruments which today helps us in different fields going beyond our physical capacities.

One of these creations is the camera. The camera captures the details of the surroundings in the form of audio and video and keep them stored.

Well, you may now think how are the camera and a human eye different?

The human eye not just captures but also relate to the story behind the image because it is connected with nerves and those nerves reaches the brain which then helps us to recognise the object.

Unlike the camera, human eye can see three-dimensional objects and all of its data is stored inside your brain because of which you recognise the objects when you see them again.

How do we recognise colours?

We have photoreceptors present in our eyes, they include two types of cells – Rods and cones.

Rod cells are light-sensitive which means they help us to detect the light and the dark, while cone cells are colour sensitive which means they help us to detect different colours.

And if you ask the same for a camera, then there are several colour sensors which detect the colours.

The retina is the place in our eye where the image is formed.

I hope now you might have understood how amazing our eyes are and how are they different from a camera.

Do you know how much megapixels a human eye is?

Well, this magical natural camera is 576 megapixels. Amazed right?

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