Solving riddles is one of the interesting things that almost every child loves to solve as children find this very interesting. But do you ever think with riddles you can also make your children learn about different important fun facts? It is now possible with Kidpid’s fun facts brain breaks trivia Flashcards. This study material is in the form of attractive flashcards that include multiple riddles along with their answers. These riddles help students to learn various fun facts in a very interesting manner. These flashcards help to develop critical thinking in students and make their minds more practical and sharp. These flashcards are one of the most affordable and easiest ways to make students develop an interest in learning. The beautiful colors of the flashcards are so attractive that they can grab the attention of young children and make them eager to learn. So give your child a whole new experience of fun learning with Kidpid’s fun fact flashcards.
Fun Fact Trivia Flashcards
Fun Facts Brain Breaks Trivia Flashcards- 1
Q1. What does a butterfly use to taste its food?
Ans. Its feet.
Q2. How do frogs drink water?
Ans. Through their skin.
Q3. Can a pig look at the sky?
Ans. No.
Q4. What color is the blood of an octopus?
Ans. Blue.
Q5. How many noses do slugs have?
Ans. 4.
Q6. What is probably cleaner than your cell phone?
Ans. A Toilet Seat.
Q7. What color is the milk of a hippotamus?
Ans. Pink.
Fun Facts Brain Breaks Trivia Flashcards- 2
Q1. What is the rainbow that happens at night time called?
Ans. A moonbow.
Q2. Which is the only sport to have been played on the moon?
Ans. Golf.
Q3. Which animal has the largest eyes in the world?
Ans. The giant squid.
Q4. Are there more stars in the sky or grains of sand on Earth?
Ans. There are more stars in the sky.
Q5. What animal product does some lipstick have?
Ans. Fish scales.
Q6. How does a horse sleep?
Ans. Standing up.
Q7. How many different scents can the human nose detect?
Ans. 3 trillion!
Q8. What is a baby called born to a donkey and a zebra
Ans. A “Zonkey”.
Fun Facts Brain Breaks Trivia Flashcards- 3
Q1. Who owns all of England’s swans?
Ans. The queens.
Q2. Human teeth are just as strong as marine animal teeth?
Ans. Sharks.
Q3. How many bones do adult humans have?
Ans. 206.
Q4. How many brains does an octopus have?
Ans. 6.
Q5. Where were french fries first made?
Ans. Belgium.
Q6. What color is a polar bear’s skin?
Ans. Black.
Q7. Which animal can nap for up to 3 years?
Ans. Snails.
Q8. Where is a shrimp’s heart located?
Ans. In its head!
Fun Facts Brain Breaks Trivia Flashcards- 4
Q1. How many muscles does a cat have in both ears?
Ans. 64!
Q2. How many eyes does a caterpillar have?
Ans. 12.
Q3. What real word rhymes with”orange”?
Ans. No word rhymes with “orange”.
Q4. How many birthdays does the queen have?
Ans. 2.
Q5. What is a group of frogs called?
Ans. An “army”.
Q6. What animal product does some perfume have?
Ans. Whale poop!
Q7. What is the strongest muscle in your body?
Ans. The tongue.
Q8. How many trees are cut down every day to make toilet paper?
Ans. 27,000 trees.
Fun Facts Brain Breaks Trivia Flashcards- 5
Q1. How often do sharks lose their teeth?
Ans. Every week.
Q2. What is an earthquake on the moon called?
Ans. A moonquake.
Q3. Which animal has 6 legs but can’t walk?
Ans. A dragonfly.
Q4. Why are bananas curved?
Ans. They grow towards the sun.
Q5. Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit?
Ans. Fruit.
Q6. How long is an elephant pregnant?
Ans. 22 months.
Q7. Where do turtles breathe from?
Ans. Their bottoms.
Q8. Does a starfish have a brain?
Ans. No.
Fun Facts Brain Breaks Trivia Flashcards- 6
Q1. How long can ants live?
Ans. Up to 29 years.
Q2. Where is the Great Pyramid of Giza located?
Ans. Egypt.
Q3. How many legs does a lobster have?
Ans. Ten.
Q4. How many Olympic rings are there?
Ans. Five.
Q5. Which is the world’s largest ocean?
Ans. Pacific Ocean.
Q6. What do bees produce?
Ans. Honey.
Q7. Name the largest State in America.
Ans. Alaska.
Q8. Which planet is known to have the most gravity?
Ans. Jupiter.
Fun Facts Brain Breaks Trivia Flashcards- 7
Q1. Which was the first country to use paper money?
Ans. China.
Q2. What will you get if you freeze water?
Ans. Ice.
Q3. What is the color of the school bus?
Ans. Yellow.
Q4. What is the color of the stars in the US flag?
Ans. White.
Q5 How many days are there in a year?
Ans. 365.
Q6. What do the pandas eat?
Ans. Bamboo.
Q7. How many chambers are there in the human heart?
Ans. Four.
Q8. In how many years Olympics are held?
Ans. Four.
Fun Facts Brain Breaks Trivia Flashcards- 8
Q1. How many players are there in a netball game?
A. Seven.
Q2. Name the Disney character who flies sitting on a carpet.
Ans. Aladdin.
Q3. When is Valentine’s Day celebrated?
Ans. 14th of February.
Q4. Name the coldest place in the world.
Ans. Antarctica.
Q5. Name the bird that can mimic humans.
Ans. Parrot.
Q6. How many sides are there in Octagon?
Ans. Eight.
Q7. Name any one of the characters in the movie Frozen.
Ans. Elsa.
Q8. What is the fastest animal?
Ans. Cheetah.
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