This article has a book of flashcards on geometric shapes with their images and names. Kids will ace learning all the geometric shapes and will learn to draw them as well! This article is perfect for kids in grades 1 and 2. These are free printables as well so you can directly print them out and hand them over to your students without wasting time on drawing each and every shape one by one. Kids can carry these handy flashcards anywhere to learn the geometric shapes and have a fun learning time!
Easy Geometric Shapes
Read More: Alphabet Activity Book for 2 to 5-Year-Old Kids
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- Decagon
- Cuboid
- Pyramid
- Cross
- Arrow
- Crescent
- Oval
- Drop
- Semi Circle
- Circle
- Square
- Triangle
- Right Angles Triangle
- Ellipse
- Heart
- Parallelogram
- Rectangular Prism
- Cone
- Cylinder
- Star
- Trapezoid
- Rhombus
- Cube
- Pentagon
- Hexagon
- Heptagon
- Octagon
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