Singular and plural nouns are first introduced in kindergarten and first grade, but they can pose to be challenging for many upper graders too. So it is not shocking if you are facing problems teaching all the rules to the second graders. Knowing the singular and plural nouns and their respective rules and never forgetting about them throughout the years is not just important, but also necessary in our life.
What does this worksheet include?
The article includes a large collection of worksheets that comes in printable format so that you can print them and practice them at ease. Most of the worksheets include examples in the beginning to make the solving process, not a hustle. These worksheets also include colorful pictures which make these lessons not only engaging but will help them remember the rules.
You’ll Learn:
This article will provide you with several ideas, activities, and resources to teach your kids all the rules and not bore them in the whole process. By the end of the worksheets, you will learn all kinds of rules. These worksheets have a lot of questions that are not at all repeating, which helps in also developing your language skills.
Instructions to use this worksheet
If the worksheets are used with good planning can prove to be one of the best resources out there. First and foremost, we advise you not to speed run through the worksheets and try to do all of them in a single go. Instead, do it one by one every day. This will improve your vocabulary and also increase your grip on the subject.
Interesting Ways to Teach Singular and Plural Nouns?
Teaching singular and plural might seem to be an easy task until you realize that, it is called “feet” not “foots” or it is called “series” both in singular and plural. Before directly diving into the huge topic of singular and plural, we must teach our children what is singular and plural or concepts of single and multiple.
A single object when is in multiple numbers is said to be plural. It might seem very easy at first but can be very tricky because of all the irregular plurals in it. Now you might be thinking about what irregular plurals are? So plural words can be classified into two different classes one being the regular ones and the other being the irregular ones. One of the most common rules in plural words is adding the –s after a singular word to make the word plural.
But that is not the only hard rule around plurals there are many more rules and hidden logic behind the construction of plural words and most of these plural nouns are known as irregular nouns for example- the plural of “child” is “children” not “child’s” similarly for “man” or “woman” it is “men” or “women” not “mans”. This type of plural word is called irregular plural words where there are no such rules to follow.
You just simply need to remember those words and for doing that you can use picture cards- picture cards can prove to be very useful when remembering things. Visual activities are scientifically proven the best way to learn new things. And for the regular plural words, you can make flashcards for different rules, like for –es you can make one for –s you can make one, and so on. Regularly quizzing and revising those flashcards will be a good strategy to tighten your grip on these concepts.
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheets for Grade 2
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 1
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 2
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 3
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 4
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 5
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 6
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 7
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 8
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 9
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 10
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 11
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 12
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 13
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 14
Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet: 15