Christmas Addition Printable Worksheets for Grade 4

Mathematics is the abstract science of number and quantity. In mathematics, addition is one of the four basic operations other than subtraction, multiplication, and division. 1+1 is 2. It is a concept that is not only important in mathematics but is essential for a basic understanding of our life. Take for instance a person who goes to a grocery shop to buy some groceries. He’ll then have to use addition to calculate the price he has to pay for the things he bought.

The addition of two numbers results in the sum of those values combined. It is usually signified by the “+” symbol, hence the sum of two numbers ‘a’ and ‘b’ would be represented as a+b.

  • The addition is the process of calculating the sum of two or more numbers.
  • It is one of the four fundamental operations in mathematics.
  • The ‘ + ‘ sign is used to represent addition.

We bring to you this Christmas addition exercise to test your students’ ability to add. Not only does this worksheet focus on addition, but it also focuses on reasoning. The reasoning is an important part of the world around us. It is a common practice to judge the analytical and logical reasoning skills of a person. Children are introduced to the concept of reasoning at a very young age through the usage of several exercises. In the following exercises, children have to add the value of the images and write it on the right-hand side where space is provided. The value of each image is given in the box at the start of each sheet.

Christmas Addition Practice Worksheet

This would test their addition skills as well as their problem-solving skills too. Since these exercises require the addition of two-digit numbers and more, these would require the use of borrowing or regrouping. Ask your student to write his name, section, teacher’s name, and date in the space provided before starting.

Christmas Addition Printable Worksheets for Grade 4

Christmas Addition Printable Worksheets for Grade 4

Christmas Addition Printable Worksheets for Grade 4

Christmas Addition Printable Worksheets for Grade 4

Christmas Addition Printable Worksheets for Grade 4

This worksheet consists of several exercises that would test a child’s ability to add different numbers as well as his logical thinking. Since addition is one of the foundational exercises in mathematics, children from a very young age are taught to find the sum of two numbers. It is one of the basic skills that one needs to excel in mathematics. Download the Christmas addition worksheets for your students and get started now. Be sure to browse our website for more addition related exercises or any other educational content.

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