Art and craft are some of the most brilliant activities in which you can engage your child as a toddler or even as an adult. Dabbling in art and craft can prove to be beneficial for any child’s development. These activities employ various senses within our bodies and encourage neural connections. And as we know children love to visualize and express and so it’s a great way for them to express themselves freely.

The kids need to learn about nature as well and so we have brought to you 10 super exciting activities of clouds which you can perform with your child and have fun as well. The materials required for the activity are very easily available and not expensive at all. You can find them almost anywhere. So, here we go.

Raindrop Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: The Kindergarten Connection

It’s almost spring season and I can’t wait for the same because in this season we could do an innumerous amount activities such as going swimming or riding a bike or the blossoming of the flowers and clouds and for that, we have brought to you activity of rain clouds. Let’s take a sneak peek.

Suitable age group: 7-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Paper plate
  • Cotton balls
  • Glue
  • Raindrops (free printable)
  • White card stock
  • Watercolors
  • Yarn or string (we used a light blue yarn)
  • Tape


  1. Start by cutting a paper plate in half.
  2. Now, apply glue all over the paper plate and start adding cotton balls to it.
  3. Download the template of raindrops on white card stock.
  4. Next, paint the raindrops using watercolors.
  5. Leave it to dry.
  6. Cut out the raindrops from the cardstock.
  7. Using the tape, attach one end of the piece of yarn to the raindrop and the other to the back of the paper plate.

Shaving Cream Rain Clouds

Image Source/Tutorial: One Little Project

Kids love magic, don’t they? So, why don’t we teach them a little magic trick of their own, which will keep them surprised! Here’s how:

Suitable age group: 7-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • A couple of clear glasses, vases, or bowls (it’s fun to switch up the shapes and sizes!)
  • Food coloring
  • Shaving cream
  • Small bowls or containers that hold 1 to 2 ounces
  • Water
  • An eyedropper, syringe, or 1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon


  1. Start by filling the small containers or bowls, whichever you’re using with water.
  2. Add different food colors to different containers and add 10 drops in each.
  3. Next, fill a clear glass with water of about 2/3.
  4. Now, add shaving cream to the same.
  5. With the help of the eye dropper or syringe whatever you’re using, add it on the top of the shaving cream.

And That’s It You’re Done!

Cloud Classification Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: Gift of Curiosity

Want the kids to learn what all atmospheres a cloud can create? Don’t worry we have got you covered! We have brought to you an exclusive activity where you can easily learn as well as have some fun. Here’s how:

Suitable age group: 7-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Regular paint
  • Puffy paint
  • Cotton balls
  • Cardstock


  1. Start by picking a paintbrush, dip it in the white color and dab it on the cardstock stating it is the cumulus cloud.
  2. Next, pick some cotton balls and glue them on the cardstock stating it is a stratus cloud.
  3. Now, again pick the brush and dip in the white color, and draw straight horizontal plain lines on the cardstock stating it is the cirrostratus cloud.
  4. And just like this, you can draw or create different types of clouds with your kid.

Crayon Drip Rain Cloud

Image Source/Tutorial: Sugar Spice and Glitter

We all want to create something with our kids that they will be proud of. Kids tend to be more productive as well as creative when we give them free will to do whatever they’re intended to do. So, here we have an activity that will not only encourage the kids but also help them with creative thinking.

Suitable age group: 5-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Buttons
  • Crayons (variations) of blue
  • Glue
  • Canvas
  • Cotton
  • School glue
  • Hairdryer


  1. Start by unwrapping the crayons with their colors.
  2. Now, break the crayons from the middle.
  3. Attach the crayons with the help of the glue on the top of the cardstock.
  4. Start melting them with the help of a hairdryer.
  5. Once, it’s all dried up put some glue on the top and attach cotton balls on the top.
  6. Next, add some buttons all over the sheet and be creative with this for the craft.

And That’s It It’s Done!

Heart Rains

Image Source/Tutorial: Glued to My Crafts

Have you ever heard of something like heart rains? where a sky rains but not water droplets rather it rains hearts, red pure full of love hearts. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? and we can create it on our own, here’s how:

Suitable age group: 7-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Cardstock
  • White tissue paper
  • Red cardstock
  • Heart paper craft punch
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • Yarn


  1. Start by downloading the cloud template on white cardstock and cutting it out.
  2. Then, cut the tissue papers in the size of small squares.
  3. Now, put glue all over the cloud cardstock and start pasting the tissue paper on it.
  4. Next, cut the heart shape from the red cardstock and also 4cm of yarn strips.
  5. Now, staple the yarn to the heart cutouts.
  6. Finish it off by stapling the heartstrings at the back of the cloud cut out.

Cloud Dough

Image Source/Tutorial: Happy Hooligans

Want your kids to engage in some physical activities, don’t worry! we have got you covered! We have an activity for you in which we can create anything from the dough, say like a cloud or a snowman, whatever that our heart desire. It will also help in strengthening the muscles and ligaments of our kids. So let’s start.

Suitable age group: 7-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • 1 cup baby oil
  • 8 cups flour


  1. Start by transferring some baby oil to 8 cups of flour.
  2. Now, with the help of a spoon, stir it well.
  3. Next, transfer this to a big bowl or basin and use little scoops or bowls for the play.
  4. Let the little ones be creative and create their styles.

Rainbow Cloud

Image Source/Tutorial: All Kids Network

We all do have a special thing for rainbows and yet it seems like a miracle when we get to witness one! But we don’t want to disappoint our kids right? So don’t we help them to create one for themselves. Here’s how:

Suitable age group: 7-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Construction paper – all rainbow colors
  • White cardboard
  • Cotton balls
  • White glue


  1. Start by cutting the white cardboard in a shape of a cloud.
  2. Next, cut the strips of 12*5cm of each color from the construction paper.
  3. Then, fit the construction strips at the rim of the cloud with glue.
  4. Once, it’s all done, cover the entire cloud with glue and start pasting cotton balls on it.

And That’s It You’re Done!!

Cloud Pillow

Image Source/Tutorial: hellowonderful

This happy cloud pillow activity that we have brought to you exclusively for your kid is an excellent way to develop fine motor skills and also build your child’s vision and ability to think! So without wasting much of your time, here are the steps by which you can perform this activity.

Suitable age group: 7-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • White butcher paper
  • Hole puncher
  • Yarn
  • Black marker, chalk pastels (for cheeks)
  • Poly filler


  1. Start by drawing the shape of the cloud on white paper and cutting it out.
  2. Punch holes on all sides of the cloud.
  3. Next, draw a happy face on the cloud using the markers and draw the rosy cheeks of the same with pastel.
  4. Now, string yarn on all the holes of the paper and leave the opening.
  5. Finish it up by stuffing the pillow and adding more yarn to close the pillow.

And Your Brand New Cloud Pillow Is Ready!!

Preschool Cotton Balls Activity

Image Source/Tutorial: I heart crafty things

We have exclusively researched for you a cool preschool cloud activity that teaches the kids about different types of clouds. It will strengthen their learning power as well as their power of imagination. Besides, manipulating the cotton balls is great for those fine motor muscles.

Suitable age group: 5-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Blue cardstock paper measuring 12″ x 12″ cm.
  • Green cardstock paper
  • Cotton balls
  • Gray paint
  • Sponge brush
  • Markers
  • Cloud template
  • Scissors
  • School glue


  1. Start by cutting out a small strip from green cardstock for the grass and gluing it at the bottom of the blue cardstock paper.
  2. Next, with the help of the markers draw the trees on the grass.
  3. Now, with the help of the book or the internet, start making different types of clouds from the cotton balls and glue them in a sequence.
  4. You can stretch the cotton balls to make the long clouds whereas you can also rip them from the middle and create little clouds to show rainy clouds as per your desire.
  5. Now, take a little bit of gray paint and dab it on the cotton balls.
  6. Using the black marker, draw some on the cotton balls to show the variations.
  7. Finish it off by cutting out the cloud labels and pasting them under the signified cloud.

And That’s It We Are Done With Our Activity!!

Rain Cloud

Image Source/Tutorial: Laughing Kids Learn 

Kids love magic, don’t they? here we have brought to you a super simple science experiment that teaches children about clouds and rain with a little bit of magic in it. Here’s how:

Suitable age group: 7-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Glass or jar
  • Water
  • Dropper
  • Shaving cream
  • Food coloring


  1. Start by filling the glass or jar with water by leaving 1 inch from the rim.
  2. Next, add shaving cream to the top of the glass water.
  3. Now, add a few drops of blue food coloring at the top of the shaving cream.
  4. Wait for a few minutes.
  5. Slowly and steadily you’ll see the weight of the food coloring will start to push down and fall in the water like magic, well that’s in the glass.

One astonishing fact about art and craft is that if you put your heart and soul into this, it will never leave your heart and would also give you mindful results. So, what are you waiting for?? Let’s make this holiday season of some use and teach our kids some crafts. Do let us know in the comment section which was your favorite craft and you enjoyed the most and do visit our site for future references.