Why the insect brain is so incredible

A human brain is undoubtedly the most crucial part of our body. It consists of approximately 86 billion neurons. If our body is an organization, our brain is the CEO of the organization. This is because our brain controls all our actions and also our senses. If used in the right way, it can be the greatest weapon; and if we lose control, a curse holding the ability to drive us crazy.


But have you thought about how small creatures, like an insect function?

Like how do bees find their beehive or meet their partners or identify their food? Do they have a brain? Or if they do, are there any similarities between our brain and theirs? Let’s find out!

Well first and foremost, let’s get to know what comprises of an insect brain?

As an insect body is so tiny, it is obvious that it’s brain too is tiny. And is even much tinier than a human brain. An insect brain is made up of a single neuron.

For many years, man has considered an insect to be silly or brainless. Whereas, in reality it is has similarities with that of a human brain. And is even more fascinating than a human brain.

Now, what makes an insect brain so incredible?

Well, let’s just say if a human body is an organization which is run by the brain as the CEO, an insect body is a partnership firm in which is run by different brains as multiple partners. This is what makes an insect so incredible. Instead of having just one brain insects have multiple brains. These tiny multiple brains are called ganglia. They are widespread across an insect body. These tiny brains are responsible for carrying out different functions like memorizing, eating, smelling, moving, flying, etc.

Research has also shown that insects can sense things quicker than humans. In humans if the brain stops functioning, so does the entire body. But this is not the case with insects. For example, a headless insect can still fly or find it’s way back.

So the next time you try and make fun of insects for being so tiny, remember those creatures are smarter than you!

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